Free Software Foundation Europe


FSFE Newsletter - April 2019

24 April 2019

This month's newsletter highlights the presence of the FSFE's campaign"Public Money? Public Code!" in German media and its growing popularity across Europe. You can find a short reminder of the news around the newly voted Copyright Directive, as well as a short summary of what else has happened during the past month. In the Get Active section this month we remind you of the new open call the Next Generation Internet project we are part of has launched. Additionally you can find out about new events we are attending and the Web-a-thon we organise in Frankfurt am Main.

#ilovefs Day report 2019

29 March 2019

On Wednesday 14th of February, we acknowledge and celebrate the annual "I love Free Software Day". It is the day to express your love for Free Software and gratitude for your favourite pieces of Free Software. The Free Software Foundation Europe would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated and helped making this day a special one for everyone involved.

26 March 2019

The European Parliament adopted the controversial Copyright Directive by 348 votes in favour, 274 votes against and 36 abstentions. Today's vote marks the end of years of debate in the European Union. Heated discussions about the introduction of upload filters ended up in protests of hundreds of thousands of people in the streets all across Europe. In a last minute action back in September 2018, the European Parliament adopted an amendment and pushed it through the trilogue to at least protect Free Software developing platforms.

FSFE Newsletter - March 2019

20 March 2019

This month's newsletter highlights the new project the FSFE recently joined and the funding opportunities it offers, that you may want to take advantage of. You can get the latest updates on the Copyright Directive reform and the hottest news regarding Article 13, as well as a short summary of what else has happened during the past month. In the Editor's choice section this month you can find interesting news on developments with the Radio Equipment Directive, and find out who else have expressed their support for our "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign and what they have to say about it.

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Vortrag: Public Money, Public Code! Modernisierung der öffentlichen Infrastruktur durch Free Software in Wien, Austria

03 May 2019

Warum wird durch Steuergelder finanzierte Software nicht als Freie Software veröffentlicht? Alexander Sander, Policy Manager der FSFE, wird bei den Linuxwochen in Wien einen Vortrag über die Kampagne Public Money, Public Code! halten.

Mit Hilfe der Kampagne Public Money? Public Code! wollen wir die rechtlichen Grundlagen schaffen, die es erfordern, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern für öffentliche Verwaltungen entwickelte Software unter einer Freie-Software- und Open-Source Lizenz veröffentlicht wird. Wenn es sich um öffentliche Gelder handelt, sollte auch der Code öffentlich sein! In dem Talk wird unsere Kampagne vorgestellt und aufgezeigt, warum es sich lohnt, diese zu unterstützen.

FSFE booth at T-Dose in Eindhoven, The Netherlands

11 May 2019

As in previous years, the FSFE will be present with a booth at T-Dose in Eindhoven, Netherlands. We look forward to interesting dicussions and chats about FSFE and Free Software.

Maker Fair Berlin 2019 in Berlin, Deutschland

17 to 19 May 2019

IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why the FSFE is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth at the Maker Fair Berlin from 17.05.2019 until 19.05.2018. On Friday 17 May, the Maker Fair is open for school classes and their teachers, free of charge. The Maker Fair is a get-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At the FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption.

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