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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor
  • Pro

Popular repositories

  1. express-chat is a chat application built on Node.js, Express and MongoDB. Demo :

    JavaScript 73 33

  2. PowerDNS CLI

    JavaScript 25 8

  3. Rails-alike assets pipeline for Express.js

    JavaScript 16 4

  4. MongoDB sdb driver to use with bind9 DNS server

    C 14 4

  5. A web application for image segmentation, feature extraction and pattern classification of objects in images. Demo :

    Python 6 2

  6. Imageboard in node.js/MongoDB

    JavaScript 5 1

388 contributions in the last year

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mon Wed Fri
Activity overview

Contribution activity

December 2020

Opened 1 other pull request in 1 repository
1 merged
Reviewed 3 pull requests in 1 repository
Opened 1 issue in 1 repository
1 open

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