Strategy Group is investing its technology and experience of creating large-scale internet services into developing social projects in Russia.

Tactics Group is offering its technologies and expertise to benefit social projects, creating its own infrastructure projects for the promotion of charity, and supporting the development of the multimedia culture in Russia. Group social responsibility priorities

Developing social infrastructure projects

Dobro Group operates Dobro – a service for smart and honest charity activities launched in 2013.
launched in 2013
The service makes participating in charitable projects across Russia accessible through one-time or regular donations online.
Its smart search system facilitates finding projects in more than 160 funds to make donations. Every fund is verified by Group, publishing financial reports upon completion of every project.
The MAYAK service allows users to find organizations that could provide help to those in need.
And the Dobry Den (Good Day) service allows you to devote your special day to charity.


VKontakte (VK) social network is actively developing its infrastructure VK Charity project.

It helps verified officially registered social non-profit organizations by providing them free VK community promotion tools.

Eligible non-profit organizations can apply with a detailed description of their entity and project. VK picks several applications each month and chooses the right tools to present the projects to the social network’s users.

Educational program

VK has also developed an educational program on using the social network’s tool for promoting charitable projects. For more information, click here. To apply for VK support, click here.


Odnoklassniki (OK) social network supports charity and social projects on regular basis providing its tools and technologies for fundraising and drawing users attention towards the most important social problems.

OK has been working with UN Women since 2017. The same year the social network held a flash mob against gender-based violence where users could share their stories and thoughts through anonymous streaming.

In 2018, OK, UN Women and the portal held a live online video discussion with top experts and celebrities on the topic of gender-based violence. The social network is also working together with UNESCO within the UNAIDS program: OK conducted the largest survey in Eastern Europe on HIV awareness with more than 100,000 people polled.

in 2017 there was a flash mob


OK allows users to make a donation to some of Russia’s largest charity funds, like Podari Zhizn, Russian Stroke Foundation (, Enjoyable Aging (, AIDS.Center (, and others. The social network offers over 70 funds to choose from, and users can make donations using the credit card attached to their account.

The social network also works directly with Russia’s charitable foundations. A special virtual gift was introduced within the social network with the help of the Podari Zhizn fund. The revenues from the sales of these gifts went directly to the fund.

A similar program was organized with the Vera Hospice Charity Foundation.

in 2018, OK together with the largest museums of the country launched a project

OK launched regular virtual tours of Russia’s top museums in Russian Sign Language for users with hearing loss. The social network uses its targeting technology to offer the service

Promoting smart volunteering among employees

In January 2019, Group launched the CharityTask project: the company’s employees from various departments offer their expertise in solving the tasks for the benefit of non-profit organizations, and help them pro bono in IT solutions for development, boosting efficiency, and developing strategies to promote projects.

Granting Non-Profit Organizations access to Group technologies Group is developing technologies and offering them to non-profit and social organizations either for free or under favorable terms.

One of the first projects in this domain was a cloud service for charity funds by Cloud Solutions. The company offered free cloud IT infrastructure to non- profit organizations verified by Dobro

Cybersecurity Group stipulates security and user data protection as one of its top priorities in its Data Policy. The company is developing social projects on data protection and cyberbullying prevention. Group develops and constantly updates effective security systems designed to protect user data for all of its projects, including email, social networks, games, messengers, e-commerce, etc.

Our Data Policy is available here.

Development of IT education in Russia Group is proactively engaged in the development of IT education in Russia. We provide students of Russia’s leading technical universities with the opportunity to major in IT. We also provide occupational guidance for schools as well as holding meetups and competitions for professionals.

How Group selects Non-Profit Projects to support

Dobro Mail.Ru Validation

The fund or non-profit organization is given the green light by Dobro and passed its reputational, professional and security checks.

Mission Compatibility

The project’s mission statement is in line with Group’s mission and social responsibility policy.

Long-Term Effect

The project has a systemic nature and has a long-term effect.


The project’s results and effectiveness can be calculated.

Partnership Group becomes an equal partner both during development and promotion of the project.