Virtustream Resources

White Papers

Choosing a Cloud Provider for Mission-Critical Applications is All About Trust

Enterprise customers understand the risk associated with mission-critical applications, and need to work with providers that can earn their trust while advancing their transformation programs. Discover the five tenets of Virtustream Trust (security, compliance, privacy, transparency, and service quality) and learn how Virtustream is designed to sustain the trust that we've built with leading organizations around the world.

Cloud Essentials: Multiple Clouds, Hybrid Environments and Support for Mission-Critical Applications

To read how solutions from Virtustream deliver on the essential enterprise needs of multiple clouds, hybrid environments and mission-critical applications – while at the same time overcoming the related challenges.

Cloud Migration - Critical Drivers for Success

In this July 2017 commissioned study by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Virtustream, enterprises report that a specialized approach for moving mission-critical workloads to the cloud is needed vs. insufficient standard migration models. This study also provides new insights into key obstacles faced when migrating enterprise-level applications and systems to the cloud.

Digital Health Solutions for Healthcare

Healthcare cloud adoption is accelerating and healthcare providers are transitioning existing IT infrastructure to managed cloud environments. This white paper provides insight into the IT challenges healthcare providers face and how to select a service provider partner that can help them to achieve their goals of improving the quality of care, empowering patients to take control of their own health, and reducing the cost of operations.

Enterprise Strategy Group Solution Showcase: Simplifying Cloud Storage for Enterprise Customers with Virtustream Storage Cloud

Virtustream Storage Cloud was designed to simplify the move to cloud storage with the resiliency, pricing predictability, and reliable customer support that enterprises demand.

Secure Managed Cloud Solutions That Power Public Sector IT Transformation

When migrating applications and workloads to the cloud, public sector organizations often encounter unforeseen roadblocks that hamper IT transformation. To prepare for these roadblocks, CIOs are developing detailed plans revolving around the architecture, management, and governance of the solution. However, through this development and migration process, many agencies realize they are not equipped for “do it yourself” cloud solutions and have trouble designing and managing new solutions on public cloud platforms.

Viewtrust Analytics and Continuous Compliance Engine for Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management

The world of information security, risk management, and regulatory compliance continues to grow more complex, virtualized, and distributed. Organizations must continuously monitor an increasingly diverse and complex landscape of systems to address information and network security, operational risk, and regulatory frameworks to meet auditing and compliance requirements. Additionally, organizations must proactively protect their systems and customers from evolving cyber threats. With new attack vectors introduced into the Internet daily, it only takes one breach to adversely affect every part of an organization.

Virtustream and Atos: Utilizing Bullion Servers and the BullSequana S Series for Large Scale SAP HANA® Deployments

Virtustream, a Dell Technologies business, leverages Atos to deliver bullion and BullSequana S, the most powerful and flexible x86 servers in the world, for large scale SAP HANA systems. When the customer requirements dictate an SAP® certified HANA solution with more than 6TB of RAM, Virtustream implements these servers to provide the flexibility, scalability, security and reliability needed to successfully run a mission-critical SAP HANA system.

Virtustream and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new regulation ([EU] 2016/679) intended to strengthen and unify data privacy rights for EU data subjects. This white paper is an informative piece about the GDPR and describes what the regulation encompasses, what types of data the GDPR affects, how it will affect organizations, and what Virtustream, a Dell Technologies business, is doing to help customers meet GDPR compliance.