
Kersnikova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 40 212 292


Platform for artistic research of life systems

BioTehna (2012) is a space that encourages curiosity, experiments and research of the interesting connections between nature and technology. The wet-lab where the artistic research of living systems takes place has been upgraded with the Vivarium (2017), where we explore the co-dependency between animals, plants and robots. In BioTehna artists and scientists creatively and innovatively merge living materials with electronics and through this encourage thoughts and awareness of the digitalised life, which awaits us in the near future. Exhibitions, workshops and lectures that are organized within the frame of BioTehna are merely an excuse to include everybody interested in an active do-it-yourself experience, which includes hacking various living systems, connecting living materials and robots, learning from the extreme world of plants and animals, discovering the super interesting technological tricks and getting to know the thousands of scientific protocols that might soon turn the world as we know it upside down.