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How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Flea Exterminator?

Typical Range: $75 - $400

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Flea Exterminator Costs

Flea exterminators charge between $75 and $400 depending on location and house size. The national average is $270 for an average-sized home. Some companies include a second visit as part of their program. If your infestation requires more visits that are not part of your initial cost, plan to pay an additional $75 to $200.
Fleas can come into your home on your pet or on your clothing. One female can turn into 1,000 over the course of just 21 days, so it's important to attack the problem quickly. In addition to their irritating bites, fleas carry tapeworm eggs that can infect your pets or children. Scratching the bites can lead to infection and scarring.
While you can purchase products over the counter that claim to kill fleas, a professional can handle the problem more quickly, eradicating not only the adult fleas but larvae and eggs. The cost of professional flea extermination may be worth it once you factor in the time saved and the cost of less effective, over-the-counter flea control products.

Flea Extermination Prices

Homeowners will pay between $75 and $400 for an inspection and single treatment, but often, a second visit is necessary to kill newly hatched fleas. Plan to spend $75 to $200 for an additional treatment.
You may pay more depending on your geographic location and the size of your home. Costs may rise in summer as exterminators are busier in the warm, humid summer months when insects thrive.
Your hired company may offer other services on the higher end of the cost range, including:
  • Vacuuming. This is an important piece of both killing adults and encouraging pupae to emerge from their cocoons. You may be asked to vacuum following specific instructions from your exterminator if your company does not include this comprehensive service.
  • Exterior spraying. Your treatment costs may cover some spraying around doors, decks and porches.
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Average Flea Control Costs for One-Time & Follow-Up Visit

Flea treatments may be effective after only one visit. Your pest control specialist will include:
  • Inspection. The pro will confirm that fleas are present and scout for the areas where they are living. This may include areas where your pets frequent as well as crawl spaces or your attic if you may have had wildlife present.
  • Vacuuming. If vacuuming is included, it will be done before spraying.
  • Interior Application. The exterminator will apply an in-house topical product with two types of active ingredients: an adulticide to kill adults and an insect growth regulator to prevent developing fleas from becoming adults.
  • Exterior Application. If you are paying for some exterior spray, it will be applied near entrances to your home and pet areas.
When could you need a second application? You might notice in 10 to 14 days that there are more fleas present. Because flea eggs cannot be killed through the application of pesticide, they must be removed, such as through vacuuming or washing items like pet bedding. If any eggs remain, a second interior application of pesticide is needed once they hatch.
Some extermination companies offer a guarantee that they can remove all the stages -- eggs, pupae and adults -- in one treatment, and will return for free if you see more pests within 30 days.

In-House vs. Exterior Yard Flea Removal

Most flea control regimens focus on your home, but your yard may also be infested. While adults without a host will die of starvation within a week, pre-adult fleas still in their cocoons can lie dormant for up to 155 days -- about 5 months. That means that larvae could be ready to hatch in your yard, and then migrate into your home, weeks after you've treated your premises.
You can treat your yard with an over-the-counter pesticide spray that is delivered through attachment to your garden hose, at a cost of $9 to $30 per bottle. Some exterminators will treat your yard, but do not include this cost in their programs. Other options, such as treating your home and applying effective flea control to your pets, are more effective.

Flea Fumigation to Exterminate

Fumigation gas for fleas, while available to homeowners, is usually not as effective as spray products. Other pests may be more effectively eradicated through fumigation, so ask your exterminator if you are battling other insect infestations. The cost of using fumigation gas is comparable to using a spray.
If you have questions about the types of products included in your flea control program, your exterminator can provide product labels or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

Orkin Flea Treatment Costs

Orkin professionals will do a one-time spray for flea control for about $300 to $370. Their service includes:
  • Inspection
  • Interior spray
  • Limited exterior spray
  • Detailed recommendations on how to prevent re-infestation
Orkin prides itself on its long history of pest control, dating back to 1901, and extensive training for each pest control specialist. The company also offers a limited 30-day guarantee that the fleas won't return and a money-back policy if you aren't satisfied with their service.

Terminix Flea Treatment

Terminix charges $190 for an initial visit when you agree to additional quarterly visits for follow-up treatment at $99 each. The company has a money-back guarantee. During the first 30 days, they offer free re-service.
To eradicate fleas, you may not need continued, quarterly treatments. The company requires that you call and provide your address and your home's square footage to give you a quote for a one-time visit.

DIY vs. Professional Flea Pest Control Costs

It could be more cost effective, safer and timely to hire a cheap local flea exterminator rather than do the work yourself. Consider the following issues:
  • Effectiveness - Products available over the counter may not be as effective as professional chemicals and application.
  • Cost - Products sold to homeowners treat only small areas and can be expensive to purchase in quantity for whole-home treatment.
  • Health - Products used incorrectly could pose a risk to your family.
  • Training - You may not identify areas of highest infestation or may skip the subfloors, basement or attic.
  • Time - Doing it yourself usually takes more time.
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Flea Bomb Prices

Flea foggers, sometimes called bombs, cost between $10 and $15 for a package with enough product to treat a smaller home.Fogger products may not be as effective as the chemicals that professionals use. You will probably need to do a second round of bombing in 10 to 14 days to make sure all the newly hatched adults are killed.
As well, before using a fogger, you must be extremely careful to remove or cover food, dishes, toothbrushes and anything that you or your pets might ingest.

Cheap Flea Extermination Sprays or Insecticides

Cheap over-the-counter flea sprays cost between $5 and $15 for a bottle and require a lot of product to treat your entire home. These sprays are better used for small areas only or even as a preventative measure around pet areas and entrances to your home.

Natural Options

Products billed as natural flea fighters can cost anywhere from $5 to $50 and may not be entirely effective. Many of these products incorporate essential oils like peppermint or clove with the aim of driving fleas away.
Some people have had success with borax powder or baking soda sprinkled around the home and vacuumed up. Diatomaceous earth, which damages and dries out adult fleas, is popular natural product. Any of these options are likely to work only with very small numbers of fleas. You will have use them strictly for weeks to see progress.

Preventing Flea Infestations

Preventing flea infestations is much easier than killing the pests once they've already entered your home. Here's what you need to know about the costs of flea prevention:
  • Pet Vet Visit: $100 to 200. Healthier pets don't attract as many fleas, plus your vet can prescribe oral or topical flea treatment that is more effective than over-the-counter drops or collars.
  • Pet Treatment: $25 to $50 per month, per pet, plus $10 flea shampoo for your dogs. Keeping fleas off your pets is the key to keeping them out of your home.
  • Vacuuming: $3 to $5 for a carpet flea prevention treatment. Regular vacuuming removes occasional adults and their eggs.
  • Carpet Shampooing: $60 per room. Deep cleaning carpets once or twice a year can remove any fleas and eggs you don't see.
  • Lawn Pesticide Spray: $9 to $30 per bottle. Use at the beginning of spring to remove fleas from your yard, then repeat every 90 days.
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How Do I Know If I Have a Flea Infestation?

Your pets will likely show symptoms first by scratching, wiggling or chewing at their skin. Next, you'll see signs of tiny, red bites on you and your family -- usually on the ankles and legs, though fleas can bite anywhere. With extensive infestations, you'll see the tiny, dark, gritty spots, called "flea dirt," in your carpet and your pet's fur; these are actually feces.

Can an Exterminator Service Get Rid of Fleas in My Home?

A professional exterminator is the quickest and most effective way to get fleas out of your home. With the training and access to professional-grade products, exterminators can identify areas where fleas are hiding and laying their eggs.
Most extermination companies offer a money-back guarantee if you aren't satisfied with their service, and they'll come back if you spot more bugs within 30 days.

Does the Type of Flea Impact the Treatment Method and Cost?

More than 200 different types of fleas in the U.S. alone. Fortunately, they all go through a similar life cycle and can be killed with the same pesticides.
Common fleas include cat, dog and rat fleas; each type prefers its namesake host but will take a meal from any warm-blooded mammal it happens across. Your professional extermination cost will cover treatment of any type of flea that may be in your home.

What is the Reproductive Rate of Fleas?

An adult female will lay about 1 to 2 eggs per hour, up to about 50 eggs per day. Eggs can be extremely tough to kill, and take up to two weeks to hatch. That's why flea treatment sometimes is required to be repeated after 14 days.

How Can I Prepare for a Flea Extermination Service?

Your flea control expert can help you prepare for a treatment, but you'll want to make sure that all food items, dishes, toothbrushes and other items you put in your mouth are removed from the house or stored in a closed cabinet.
It may help to vacuum prior to treatment, as the vibrations of vacuuming can encourage pupae to fully emerge. If you have a special case, such as aquarium that cannot be easily moved, seal it and turn off the air pump. Your exterminator can review other options and directions with you.
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