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Welcomes new users
Screenshot of Welcome app
Screenshot of Welcome app
Screenshot of Welcome app






March 12, 2019

Used By

vuejs electron jekyll webtorrent videojs standard kivy nextcloud alibaba veggiemonk

Welcome is a simple way to welcome new users based off maintainer defined comments.

The 3 plugins it combines with are new-issue-welcome, new-pr-welcome, and first-pr-merge

Create a .github/config.yml file to declare the contents of the comments:

# Configuration for new-issue-welcome -

# Comment to be posted to on first time issues
newIssueWelcomeComment: >
  Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template!

# Configuration for new-pr-welcome -

# Comment to be posted to on PRs from first time contributors in your repository
newPRWelcomeComment: >
  Thanks for opening this pull request! Please check out our contributing guidelines.

# Configuration for first-pr-merge -

# Comment to be posted to on pull requests merged by a first time user
firstPRMergeComment: >
  Congrats on merging your first pull request! We here at behaviorbot are proud of you!

# It is recommend to include as many gifs and emojis as possible

You can opt out of having the bot comment on first time pull requests, pull request merges, or new issues by not filling in a value for each app's respective field.

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