Global Community Sponsors

We’d like to thank each of our 2019 global community sponsors for their commitment to the WordPress community. Their generous contributions support community events like WordCamps and WordPress user groups worldwide.

Interested in becoming a global community sponsor? Read about the program here!

Gold Community Sponsors

Jetpack supports WordPress communities worldwide at the Gold sponsorship level.

WooCommerce supports WordPress communities worldwide at the Gold sponsorship level.
bluehost_logoBluehost supports WordPress communities in the Americas at the Gold sponsorship level.
liquidweb_logoLiquid Web supports WordPress communities in the Americas at the Gold sponsorship level.


Silver Community Sponsors


GoDaddy supports WordPress communities worldwide at the Silver sponsorship level.
bluehost_logoBluehost supports WordPress communities in Europe, Africa, and Asia at the Silver sponsorship level.
greengeeks_logoGreenGeeks supports WordPress communities in the Americas at the Silver sponsorship level.

Bronze Community Sponsors

DreamHost supports WordPress communities in the Americas at the Silver sponsorship level.