Course 2:


Question 1 of 10
The Media Studio allows you to:
Upload media, select a media library, and search for media
Generate GIFs
Request access to upload a video greater than ten minutes in length.
Auto-compress creatives to six seconds or less
Question 2 of 10
When naming campaigns, you’ll want to:
Create a new Twitter handle matching each campaign name.
Choose very general names so you can remember them easily.
Check to see if your agency or client has naming conventions already in use.
Use code names that only you have access to.
Question 3 of 10
When creating ad groups for a campaign, a best practice is to:
Avoid using ad groups for video campaigns.
Restrict yourself to one ad group.
Always spread your budget evenly across ad groups.
Create different ad groups targeted to desktop and mobile devices.
Question 4 of 10
If no targeting for a campaign or ad group is chosen, Ads Manager will default to:
Country based on agency headquarters
Country based on your IP address
Country based on browser setting
Question 5 of 10
Tailored Audiences allow you to refine your targeting to include:
Lists (including lists of existing customers), Web (including people who have visited your website), or Mobile apps (people who have taken a specific action through an app).
Zip and postal codes from customers or prospects who have visited your Twitter profile.
Only users who arrive at Twitter from sites and apps you specify.
Celebrities and Influencers
Question 6 of 10
When selecting follower look-alikes, consider selecting:
Misspellings and broad match search terms.
Competitors, complimentary brands, industry media, influencers, and similar audiences.
Controversial figures even if they have little association with your brand.
Hashtags your audience may not have heard of or be likely to use.
Question 7 of 10
Keyword targeting allows you to target keywords from:
Google Trends
Animated GIFs
Trending stories
Twitter Search and timelines
Question 8 of 10
Three main levers for optimizing campaigns are:
Followers, look-alikes, events
Time of day, language, demographics
Third-party data, audience measurement, ad serving provider
Creatives, Targeting, Bids, and Budget
Question 9 of 10
To measure your video ad campaigns using Moat, IAS, Nielsen DAR, or comScore vCE, you will first need to:
Code In-Stream Video for set top boxes.
Have an existing relationship with one of these third-party measurement companies.
Carefully select your video compression.
Create a pre-campaign custom report in Twitter Ads Manager.
Question 10 of 10
When reviewing Twitter Video Ads performance metrics, remember that Twitter videos reports default to
Standard MRC (Media Ratings Council) views counted at 50% of a video viewed for 2 seconds.
100% of a video viewed for 3 seconds.
The default metrics counted according to DoubleClick VAST.
CPV as a function of total budget.

Results are in!