Module 4:

Campaign spotlight: Connect with what’s happening using In-Stream Video Ads and Sponsorships


People come to Twitter to discover what’s happening, to engage with video content, and to talk about it.

As a marketer, this is an opportunity to build brand relevance by aligning your message with premium, brand-safe content, and to be a part of the conversation.

Whether you’re a buyer for traditional TV, Digital, or Social, this module will help you explore how In-Stream Video can fit into your client’s media plan.

Learning Objectives

You should be able to:

Compare the accuracy of Twitter’s In-Stream Video Ads demo targeting to industry benchmarks.

Differentiate targeting choices between In-Stream Video Ads and Sponsorships.


Lesson 1

Two ways to buy In-Stream Video on Twitter

We offer two formats for In-Stream Video on Twitter. They differ based on whether you want to target your audience across multiple publishers or align with a single publisher.

In-Stream Video Ads (audience and content targeting):

  • Run pre-roll ads before video clips targeted by audience. 
  • Select the content categories you want your pre-roll ads to run before. For example, a CPG brand may want to run only before food and drink content. 

In-Stream Video Sponsorships (single publisher targeting):

  • Run pre-roll ads before video clips and/or live video from a single publisher. 
  • Deeper brand integrations are available for select programs. 

With In-Stream Video Ads, your brand doesn't need to have a Twitter account, so no Tweet copy or community management is needed.

Many markets offer fixed pricing for predictability of delivery and planning purposes. Contact your Twitter Client Partner for additional details in your market.

In-Stream Video at a glance

  • Ads Autoplay in the timeline 
  • Client is charged at two seconds with 50% in view or three seconds with 100% in view
  • There is no skip button for creatives < 6 seconds 
  • A skip button appears after :05s for creative > 6 seconds

Lesson 2

In-Stream Video Ads: Extend your video reach in a TV-like environment

In-Stream Video Ads run in front of premium, TV-quality content, helping your clients borrow brand equity from the world's best video publishers.

With In-Stream Video Ads, advertisers can target video content they know their audience is already likely to watch.

In-Stream Video Ads

  • Extend your video buy in a TV-like environment.
  • Buy through the auction, on a fixed price, or on a Nielsen demo guarantee (US only).
  • Offer price protection and predictable delivery.
  • Requires only a video (no Twitter presence needed).

Reach target audience


more efficiently than TV in terms of Cost per GRP, per Nielsen TAR results.

Source: Nielsen TAR, 2017, six-large scale brand campaigns

On average, Twitter provides accurate demographic targeting 76% of the time, beating the industry standard of 59% compared to standard Nielsen Digital Ad benchmarks.

Source: Nielsen TAR, 2017, six-large scale brand campaigns


Lesson 3

In-Stream Video Sponsorships: How they can work for your clients

Twitter’s In-Stream Video Sponsorships can have extraordinary impact on a media plan. Sponsorships can be effective solutions for:

Brands that already sponsor TV programming:

● Extend a brand’s reach and sponsorship impact on Twitter, and bring more efficient overall reach to a campaign.

Brands that don’t do or can’t afford traditional TV sponsorships:

● In-Stream Video Sponsorship can be a cost-effective way to align with content that may be out-of-reach on TV.

Brands that want to target a competitor’s TV sponsorship:

● Target a competitor’s audience on Twitter with an In-Stream Video Sponsorship.

When thinking about sponsorships, consider:

  • Does your client have on-air sponsorships to amplify on Twitter?
  • Are there specific types of content with which you want to align? e.g. sports, tech, news, a specific event?
  • Do your client’s competitors buy TV sponsorships that you can target on Twitter?
Pro tip:

Some of the best Twitter In-Stream Video Sponsorship campaigns have included deeper integrations into the shows. Reach out to your Twitter Client Partner who will help you determine whether this might be an option for your campaign.


Lesson 4

Pricing options are available for In-Stream Video.

Whether you’re a traditional TV buyer, a Digital buyer, or Social strategist, we’ve provided simple ways to add In-Stream Video to your video plan.


cost per engagement was down 42% year-over-year.

Source: Nielsen TAR, 2017, six-large scale brand campaigns


more efficient at reaching target audience than TV in terms of cost per engagement.

Source: Firefish & The Numbers Lab, 2016