Monthly Archives: November 2005

Photos Now at

Thanks to the awesome FAlbum (for Flickr Album, I suppose) plugin, I now have all my flickr photos on display here, at this site. Look at the top nav bar, or if you are reading this elsewhere, visit my photos … Continue reading

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Organizing Music

Every now and then I come to the basic problem of organizing my music collection, which has grown to quite an unmanageable size. Improper ID3 tags make the situation even worse. The more music you have, the less you listen … Continue reading

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Flickr: Batch Editing Dates and Other Properties

Looking for the solution to edit the dates on all photos in a set on Flickr? You can do that, and much, much more with the Flickr Batch Operations Enhancer Greasemonkey script. So get firefox, install greasemonkey, and get the … Continue reading

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Nulla dies sine linea day should go by without writing at least a line… Increasingly true of my life, and I expect this to be so for a long time to come. Writing a scientific article is very different from writing a work … Continue reading

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Door from the past

DSC00442 Hostel doors at my alma mater, REC Warangal used to be inviting for graffiti artists. I know, it may seem repelling that people actually vandalized state property, but it wasn’t a social evil at RECW, everybody did it, and … Continue reading

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