Monthly Archives: January 2005

Trivandrum Blogs?

There are about 40 Blogger bloggers who say they are from Trivandrum. Most are one or two post wonders, and I thought I saw a couple of friends there, well, maybe not. (Trivandrum happens to be my hometown)

Posted in General | 13 Comments

Asteroid Douglas Adams

A friend tells me that an asteroid has been named after Douglas Adams. What’s funny is that the temporary name, or “working” name for that Asteroid was “2001 DA42”, and so it really seems like it was there to be … Continue reading

Tagged | 2 Comments

Slept Like a Log.

It is as though my system’s having it’s revenge on me. The project site visit went great on Friday, with some good feedback regarding the state of the project and all that – overall, I think it was great for … Continue reading

Posted in Yours Truly | 2 Comments

links for 2005-01-27

Delicious – need I say more part of an experiment here! (categories: web)

Posted in General | 5 Comments


.. when you discover a thing serendipitously, through different avenues, almost concurrently. Once in a while, maybe once a month, one new things pops up into my conciousness and then hammers away at it till I acknowledge it, all in … Continue reading

Posted in Time Pass - Humour | Comments Off on serendiplicity

Wrapped / Wrapping

I feel wrapped, by some bigger-than-me thing – maybe life. I want to be the wrapper round a pretty, smaller-than-me entity called life. In other words, I don’t want to fit into the world. I want the world to fit … Continue reading

Posted in General | 1 Comment


I have been missing in action at this front for a long time now – enough to get some to wonder if I made a Resolution at the turn of the year to not write again. Nothing of that sort. … Continue reading

Posted in Yours Truly | Comments Off on AWOL