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Deployment Services for System, Software and Technology

Deployment Services for System, Software and Technology

Bring new systems online as quickly as possible with confidence

It’s one of the biggest challenges in IT: When you order new systems, new hardware and software, it could be days, weeks, even months before those investments are providing a return.

What value are you getting from systems that are still in the box?

To make your IT investment as productive as possible, as quickly as possible, you need smart planning, bulletproof data migration, and high performance reliability right out of the gate.

We’ve spent over 30 years building a deployment practice to solve this, to supplement your team, efficiently implementing technology — from configuration, logistics, and integration to deployment, data migration, and asset disposition.

Who’s better suited to implementing the latest Dell systems than Dell engineers or our approved partners, who do this every day?

We would never have been able to roll out 12,000 laptops on our own in time for the fall semester. We cut our deployment time in half by relying on Dell Services. - Grover Dailey, CTO, Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS). Read more.

What we offer

Tools for Business Success

Deploying new client systems the first time is rarely the end of your deployment efforts. As you manage ongoing deployment and imaging needs, it helps to have the right tools at your disposal.

Dell EMC Technology Services

Accelerate the return on your technology investments, minimize risk during transition, and keep your IT environment running at peak performance and efficiency.

What we offer

Dell EMC Technology Services

Accelerate the return on your technology investments, minimize risk during transition, and keep your IT environment running at peak performance and efficiency.

Tools for Business Success

Deploying new client systems the first time is rarely the end of your deployment efforts. As you manage ongoing deployment and imaging needs, it helps to have the right tools at your disposal.

Dell EMC Technology Services

Accelerate the return on your technology investments, minimize risk during transition, and keep your IT environment running at peak performance and efficiency.

Dell Solutions with Intel®

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Contact Us
Need help? We're here for you.
Call 888-346-2289