
Ads and Emails

Dell and our partners may use information about your visit to this and other websites. The information could include pages you visit, the items you view or place in your shopping cart, or your responses to our ads and emails. This information allows us to make the Dell ads you see more relevant to you. This is referred to as interest-based advertising. For example, if you recently looked at laptops online, you may be more likely to see an advertisement regarding a Dell laptop. For this purpose, Dell has selected partners who are members of self-regulatory associations such as, the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) or the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA).

To enable you to opt-out of interest-based advertising delivered by partners working with Dell, or to customise your experience on Dell websites, please visit Dell’s Manage Cookies webpage hosted by Ghostery to opt out. If you opt-out, you may still see Dell ads on Dell websites and other websites, but those ads will not be customized to you by Dell or our partners.

Dell will continue to customize your experience on Dell websites via our use of cookies. For more information on how Dell uses cookies and how to manage your cookie settings via your browser, please visit our Privacy Statement.

Please note that if you clear your cookies, or if you use a different browser or device, you may need to reset your opt-out selections.

You may learn more about interest-based advertising by visiting these links:
Preference Management
If you wish to update or remove your email or other contact preferences for Marketing
Communications that Dell sends you, please click here.

If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected].