Main Quote Digital Video

“Ooyala is an innovative, strategic partner. There’s no way we could be doing what we’re doing without Ooyala.”

Ryan Holmes

Digital Media Group, BYU

Go over-the-top with

Reach your audiences anywhere, anytime, any device

Earn more from OTT

Earn more from OTT. There’s more complexity than ever in video: new platforms, new formats, new business models, and fierce competition. Ooyala’s flexible solutions combine best of breed content management, playback, live streaming and more. The Ooyala Flex Media Platform delivers an open solution that simplifies and streamlines video publishing. Result: less cost and complexity, more engagement, and maximum revenue.

OTT Graph

Ooyala Flex Media Plataform

Digital Video Playout Solution Modules

Asset Management

Everything you need to organize and manage your video library. ››

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Deliver high-quality, personalized experiences to every device. ››

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Maximize revenue via subscription, PPV, advertising, or all three. ››

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Live & Linear Streaming

Grow your real-time audiences with live events and channels. ››

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Make smarter business decisions with clear, actionable insights. ››

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App Management

Deliver a multi-screen OTT experience quickly without breaking your budget. ››

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Deliver quality video anywhere, anytime

Manage, publish and syndicate your videos painlessly with our easy-to-use extensible platform. Spend less time wrangling your videos and more time creating the content your customers love.

Get the insights you need

Optimize your video operations in all regions and on all channels. Learn everything about your audience and how they watch, then optimize your content and strategies to match.

Launch faster with lower costs

We help you get from ingest to delivery faster than ever. The Ooyala Flex Media Platform brings you best-of-breed OTT applications from Ooyala and third parties.

Bring in more revenue

Turn your content into maximum revenue with minimal hassle. We make it easy to monetize your content via subscriptions, pay-per-view, ads, or all three

Engage viewers longer

Keep viewers engaged with live channels and events. Or offer personalized content recommendations that increase ad views and inventory and lower customer churn.

World-class service and support

Ooyala is an OTT pioneer, and our team has hundreds of years of cumulative experience in the field. From consulting to engineering to strategizing for the future, we can help you make the most of your video investment.

You’re in good company

Ready to go over the top?

Check out our other solutions:


Deliver high quality live channels and events to multiple devices and platforms, and monetize with dynamic ad insertion. ››

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Content Production

Manage, control, integrate and orchestrate your content pipeline with our flexible, extensible metadata-driven platform. ››

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Content Distribution

Deliver high quality engaging content to any platform using a highly flexible metadata driven platform with a fast, high-quality player. ››

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