Spring news and announcements!

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  -coming into force- we sent a message to everyone in our mailing list and made the best of it and also sent a few Spring news and announcements!

If you want to get regular news about what we do at FKI with a whole bunch of colleagues and friends subscribe to our mailing listhttp://lists.freeknowledge.eu/listinfo/fkicat-info 

The new Game of the Economy of the Commons

We introduce to you the new Game of the Economy of the Commons, a card game that allows to understand, in a playful way, the dynamics of this economy which puts the focus on the "sharing" instead of in the transaction and profit-making. This economy is different from that of the market and is articulated around a communal resource and the community that produces it and benefits from it.

The making of the CommonsCloud - technical choices


We discuss how we formed the CommonsCloud project and what key technical decisions we have made so far to set in motion this cooperative cloud platform.

We've recently started a crowdfunding campaign at the Goteo platform, many people are asking how did we start to develop this project. Let's take a dive into where we come from, which free software building blocks we have chosen so far and how they come together. Then we share some ideas for the near future.

CommonsCloud in action!!

Since long that we wanted to start an alternative to the dominant proprietary web platforms, and today FemProcomuns (of which FKI is a founding member) is opening a campaign at the Goteo crowdfunding platform to put into action the CommonsCloud and involve, share and call for support from all people and collectives that share concern for privacy and collective self-organisation of online platforms.

Roll up your sleeves to build smart cities bottom-up

At FKI for long we ask ourselves how can we construct smart cities connecting sensors and actuators to the net in such a way that we advance towards technological sovereignty and social autonomy. We are aware that the Internet of Things can have an important impact and can imply the loss of privacy and autonomy, but we focus on the tremendous opportunities it brings to improving the social wellbeing of all. That’s why we are working with the community to build a global Internet of Things.

FKI to present in India "Open, Digital DIY manufacturing across countries and cultures"

Swatantra'17 is an international conference on Free Software and Free Knowledge that will take place on 20-21 December 2017 in Trivandrum, India. The Free Knowledge Institute (FKI) is happy to contribute to this important event by
