
Exact time now:

Cümə axşamı, Aprel 12, 2018, həftə 15
Günəş ↑ 06:20 ↓ 19:33 (13s 12d) Əlavə məlumat
Amsterdam Antalya Banqkok Barselona Bağdad Beijing Boqota Boston Brussels Cakarta Dehli Dubai Dublin Dəkkə Helsinki Honk Konq Honolulu Istanbul Kinşasa Kuala Lumpur Kəraçi Laqos Las-Veqas Lima London Los Anceles Manila Mayami Mecca Mexico City Milan Moscow Mumbay New York Osaka Oslo Paris Prague Qahirə Quançjou Rio de Janeyro Rome Saint Petersburg San-Fransisko Santiago Seoul Shenzhen Sidney Stokholm São Paulo Taipei Tehran Tokyo Toronto Vienna Yangon Çikaqo Şanxay Ər-Riyad

Pacific Time Mountain Time Central Time Eastern Time
"Lost - yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever."
Horace Mann