
HomeAdvisor is the #1 home improvement marketplace connecting homeowners with home service contractors.

Our network includes of hundreds of thousands of customer-rated and reviewed pros nationwide, specializing in more than 500 home repair, maintenance and renovation projects. Whatever your home maintenance, repair or improvement need, you can find it with HomeAdvisor.

HomeAdvisor’s free home improvement app lets you discover and compare contractors, read reviews from real customers, view pricing, and book appointments.

Book your next home service appointment with our instant booking option, and never play another game of phone tag to schedule a home improvement project again.

The HomeAdvisor app is the fastest and easiest way to find and schedule home improvement, remodel and repair contractors. Download for free today and use anytime, anywhere.

HomeAdvisor Features:

Find Contractors
- Instantly book appointments with local, available pros
- Keep track of your contractors and projects

Home Services Professionals
- Discover and compare home improvement professionals
- Read verified ratings and reviews from real customers
- Choose from hundreds of thousands of professional contractors

Get the Best Price
- See costs to install, remodel or repair for hundreds of home projects with True Cost Guide
- View pricing and get estimates to find the service that suits your budget

All Your Home Improvement Needs
Find and hire contractors for home remodel, repair and improvement projects, including:
- Additions & Remodeling (Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels)
- Roofing
- Painting
- Cleaning & Maid Services
- Windows
- Tree Services
- Concrete
- Handyman Services
- Heating & Furnace Systems
- Pest Control
- Decks
- Foundations
- Plumbing
- Lawn & Garden Care
- Landscaping
- Garage Doors
- Siding
- Tile
- Fences

The HomeAdvisor app is the fastest and easiest way to find and schedule home improvement, remodel & repair contractors.

Download for free today and find the perfect contractor for your next project.

What's New

Version 8.5.1

Thanks for using HomeAdvisor! In an effort to bring you the best experience with our network of Home Service Professionals, we bring updates to the App Store regularly.

Every update of our HomeAdvisor app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features become available, we'll let you know here.
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Ratings and Reviews

4.6 out of 5

8.2K Ratings

8.2K Ratings

Service was good, price was absurd


I was told I would receive a call 20 minutes before the technician would arrive. I received the call, and about 15 minutes later received another call stating the technician would be late because he had to go back to the residence where he was working before to pick up some items he left behind. I believe this is their way of promising an exact on time schedule and changing it. I received another call about an hour later stating the technician was on his way. This was the evening before Thanksgiving and we had no water and no plumbing supply stores were open. We had to have water or I would never have allowed this. The plumber showed up with a part that costs between $35 to $50, depending on where it is purchased, and I was charged $484 to replace it. It took about 20 minutes and that is only because he was a talker. I could have replaced the part myself in 5-10 minutes at the most. I already had the valve to the faucet taken off when he arrived and knew the part I needed.
You might think that it was worth the cost because of the holiday but the plumber told me he didn’t mind working on the holiday because his religion didn’t allow him to celebrate it. By the way, the cost would have been the same whether it was a holiday or not.
He was kind, efficient, and completed the job responsibly but I did have to give him suggestions on how to remove the part.
This service is efficient and timely to say the least. It is simply absurdly expensive.

Developer Response

We're sorry to hear about your experience with this pro, you can submit a review for them here: If you would like to speak with a rep, please call Customer Solutions at 866-786-8474 or send info to [email protected]. -HASupport

Great recommendations

JoAnn from NJ

Due to a wind storm, some of my vinyl siding came off, as well as the aluminum below a second story half moon window. Called my insurance & they gave me an estimate of what it should cost to fix, which I thought was low and of course was below my deductible!!!

I honestly had no clue who would do this type of smallish job and saw an advertisement for Home Advisor. Figured what the heck, is give them a try! It was a Sunday afternoon when I entered my name, address & the problem I was having. By Monday at noon I had 3 calls, one from each of the contractors they recommended!! But by 11 am one of the recommended contractors had been here already, given me an estimate and had contracted with them to do the job on Wednesday that same week!!!!!! Note that the estimate was right in line with what my insurance said it would be, which made me extremely happy!

The job has been completed to my complete satisfaction. I would absolutely recommend Home Advisor to anyone looking for a contractor. Great service and the contractors they recommended did great work!!!

Much more problems than help!


Within seconds of entering my info in this app the phone started ringing with high pressure sales people on the other end. We are looking to replace 13 windows and we were matched with Sears who is $2k higher than any estimate I’ve gotten on my own, and a second company. The second company, ImproveIt, has horrible ratings everywhere BUT on this app. The high pressure crap started from second 1 on the phone, both myself and my husband must be present...I explained 4 different times that this was not possible and finally just left it at “whatever.” They called again today to confirm an appointment for tomorrow and advised me it is their company policy that my husband must be here too?? I finally told them that I want nothing to do with their company. I’ve had much better luck googling window providers and picking them randomly than the info from this app. They are providing the same people that are pushing too good to be true sales on TV and radio plus they confirmed in their follow up phone call that they don’t stand behind the companies they are referring. They get a referral fee for selling my info and then are done.


HomeAdvisor, Inc.
161.4 MB
Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Apple TV.
Age Rating
Rated 4+
© 2017 HomeAdvisor Inc.


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