Roofing tile
Roof maintenance is important to the overall health of your home. Whether you’re in need of a quick repair or a complete roof replacement, it’s important to hire a trustworthy roofing pro. Here are a few tips to help you find — and work with — your roofer.

Before you hire your pro:

Compare the rates of several roofers. Always interview at least three professionals before you make a hiring decision. This will help you match the best pro to your job.

Avoid wet seasons. Try to avoid scheduling your roofing job during rainy or snowy seasons. Most pros will help you find the best time to begin your project.

Compare several roofing materials. All roofing materials offer different advantages and disadvantages. Look into several different types of roofing before you make a decision.

Ask for references. Always ask to speak to a pro’s past clients. If your pro hesitates or refuses to share references, keep looking.

Always hire a skilled pro. A skilled pro will complete your job on time and without mistakes. Hiring an inexperienced pro to save money can lead to additional repairs, extended deadlines and inaccurate pricing. 

After you hire your pro:

Ask about warranties. It’s important to have follow-up support in case of an emergency. Ask your pro about securing material warranties and, if possible, getting a work guarantee.

P.S. Material warranties are more common than contractor work guarantees. If your pro doesn’t offer a work guarantee, don’t worry — your roofer is still trustworthy. Ask your professional about other ways to keep your roof safe.

Choose a completion date. Replacing or repairing your roof can impact your day-to-day living. Be sure to agree on a completion date before you begin your project.


  1. emily bennette, May 13:

    I like that you pointed out that you should avoid doing any roof repair during the wet season. It does seem like it would help to be aware of that before you schedule. It would probably be a good idea to ask your roofer when to do the repair.

  2. Annette McIntyre, June 2:

    Need a roofer to estimate and repair bad roofing job on home, garage building and small storage shed. Also, have the ability to work with soffett and gutter replacement.

    Only looking for two top companies.

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