Internal Recruiting Sources

The underlying principle of the Army Merit Promotion Program is the identification, qualification, evaluation, and selection of top-quality candidates from appropriate sources. Selections will be made free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age, reprisal or disability. Selections shall be based solely on relative ability, knowledge, skills, other job-related criteria and legitimate position requirements.

The Merit Promotion Program is directed toward:

  • Contributing to the accomplishment of mission goals by staffing positions with qualified, high-quality employees

  • Providing career opportunities for employees and ensuring that all employees are fully informed of those opportunities

  • Bringing to the attention of management high-quality employees who have the capacity to perform in more responsible assignments

  • Fostering and facilitating the mobility of employees in the interest of broadening their experiences and increasing their qualifications

  • Ensuring the maximum utilization of employees in positions for which they are best qualified

  • Ensuring that the skills, qualifications, achievements, and promotion potential of employees are recognized and fairly considered in the staffing process

  • Encouraging employees to improve their performance to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

A sound merit promotion program is designed to ensure a systematic means of selection for promotion according to merit after a fair and open competition which assures that all individuals receive equal opportunity. Proper administration and full support by management officials and employees at all levels is essential to the staffing of an effective and highly motivated civilian work force.


Content last reviewed: 6/8/2006-LLB