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Game of Thrones' Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams Do Carpool Karaoke Impersonating Ned Stark

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Latinos Don't Think Trump Understands What An Arpaio Pardon Would Mean -via Flynx

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Google Pixel 2 Set To Be Announced On October 5th

The Google Pixel 2 is set to be announced on October 5th -- which is almost exactly a year later; since the Google Pixel was announced on October 6th of 2016. I'm kind of curious why Google didn't keep with the trend and announce the device on October 7th of 2017?! I mean...cause that makes sense. Among other things that might be announced are a new Google Chromebook Pixel -- and possibly some Google smart headphones. What a beautiful time to live in.

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🌞 ⭐ 🌛 A huge asteroid named 3122 Florence will flyby Earth at a distance of ca. 7 million km or ca. 4.4 million miles (about 18 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon) at 12:06 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on September 1, 2017. Its diameter is between 2.5 and 5.6 miles, or 4 and 9 km.

3122 Florence, named in memory of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), is a stony asteroid classified as near-Earth object and potentially hazardous asteroid, which was discovered on 2 March 1981 by American astronomer Schelte Bus at Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia.

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Guess What? Social Warfare Now Comes With A (Truly) Hidden Pinterest Image! (

You know who needs another share? This guy! This post was such a hit (TWICE), that we decided we needed to share it again! The question is ... did you read it ... or do you just like dancing pigs?

Since we started our journey to create the best social sharing plugin for WordPress we had a heavy emphasis on Pinterest functionality. Being that Pinterest is a traffic-driving powerhouse, we wanted to give our users the best possible Pinterest arsenal.

The tl;dr version is that the best images for sharing on Pinterest are the tall images ... and yet they don't always necessarily look the best on your website. While our plugin had the ability to hide the tall image and share it when the Pinterest share button was clicked, the Pinterest browser extension and other third-party extensions required that the image be visible on the page.

We knew there had to be a way to make everyone happy as a pig in sh*t ... so we went back to the drawing board ... and wallah! So, without further ado, here's the big news:

Social Warfare – Pro now comes with the ability to add a Pin Image for Browser Extensions that will insert the image you’ve uploaded in the Custom Pinterest Image field for a given post/page into the page.

What this means is that your custom Pinterest image will be picked up by browser extensions such as:

▷ The Official Pin Button
+Buffer's Browser Extension
+Sprout Social's Browser Extension
▷ Tailwind’s Browser Extension (Pinterest Pros will love this!)
▷ Many others!

Your blog posts and pages will now be Pinterest optimized with greater sharing accessibility than ever before!

Click here to learn more about how to grow your Pinterest traffic using Social Warfare:

#pinterest #socialmedia #wordpress #plugin

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It's time for First Meeting and the official start of training camp! Tune into the new episode of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team on CMT tomorrow at 10/9c to catch all of the action!
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#Sports #NFL #Cheerleaders

(Credit: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders)

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Aurora Dreaming

Brandon: "I almost missed last night's show, but luckily my little sister woke me up at 2am for this one!"

Credit: Brandon Born‎
Brandon's website:
Location: Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada
Release Date: August 23, 2017

+Travel Alberta

#Earth #Astronomy #Science #Space #Stars #Aurora #Borealis #NorthernLights #SolarSystem #Cosmos #Universe #Panorama #Astrophotography #Photography #ColdLake #Alberta #Canada #STEM #Education #CitizenScience

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Scientists Improve Brown Dwarf Weather Forecasts

Artist's concept shows a brown dwarf with bands of clouds
This artist's concept shows a brown dwarf with bands of clouds, thought to resemble those seen at Neptune and the other outer planets.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Dim objects called brown dwarfs, less massive than the Sun but more massive than Jupiter, have powerful winds and clouds -- specifically, hot patchy clouds made of iron droplets and silicate dust. Scientists recently realized these giant clouds can move and thicken or thin surprisingly rapidly, in less than an Earth day, but did not understand why.

Now, researchers have a new model for explaining how clouds move and change shape in brown dwarfs, using insights from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Giant waves cause large-scale movement of particles in brown dwarfs' atmospheres, changing the thickness of the silicate clouds, researchers report in the journal Science. The study also suggests these clouds are organized in bands confined to different latitudes, traveling with different speeds in different bands.

"This is the first time we have seen atmospheric bands and waves in brown dwarfs," said lead author Daniel Apai, associate professor of astronomy and planetary sciences at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Just as in Earth’s ocean, different types of waves can form in planetary atmospheres. For example, in Earth’s atmosphere, very long waves mix cold air from the polar regions to mid-latitudes, which often lead clouds to form or dissipate.

The distribution and motions of the clouds on brown dwarfs in this study are more similar to those seen on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Neptune has cloud structures that follow banded paths too, but its clouds are made of ice. Observations of Neptune from NASA's Kepler spacecraft, operating in its K2 mission, were important in this comparison between the planet and brown dwarfs.

"The atmospheric winds of brown dwarfs seem to be more like Jupiter’s familiar regular pattern of belts and zones than the chaotic atmospheric boiling seen on the Sun and many other stars," said study co-author Mark Marley at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley.

Brown dwarfs can be thought of as failed stars because they are too small to fuse chemical elements in their cores. They can also be thought of as "super planets" because they are more massive than Jupiter, yet have roughly the same diameter. Like gas giant planets, brown dwarfs are mostly made of hydrogen and helium, but they are often found apart from any planetary systems. In a 2014 study using Spitzer, scientists found that brown dwarfs commonly have atmospheric storms.

Due to their similarity to giant exoplanets, brown dwarfs are windows into planetary systems beyond our own. It is easier to study brown dwarfs than planets because they often do not have a bright host star that obscures them.

"It is likely the banded structure and large atmospheric waves we found in brown dwarfs will also be common in giant exoplanets," Apai said.

Using Spitzer, scientists monitored brightness changes in six brown dwarfs over more than a year, observing each of them rotate 32 times. As a brown dwarf rotates, its clouds move in and out of the hemisphere seen by the telescope, causing changes in the brightness of the brown dwarf. Scientists then analyzed these brightness variations to explore how silicate clouds are distributed in the brown dwarfs.

Researchers had been expecting these brown dwarfs to have elliptical storms resembling Jupiter's Great Red Spot, caused by high-pressure zones. The Great Red Spot has been present in Jupiter for hundreds of years and changes very slowly: Such "spots" could not explain the rapid changes in brightness that scientists saw while observing these brown dwarfs. The brightness levels of the brown dwarfs varied markedly just over the course of an Earth day.

To make sense of the ups and downs of brightness, scientists had to rethink their assumptions about what was going on in the brown dwarf atmospheres. The best model to explain the variations involves large waves, propagating through the atmosphere with different periods. These waves would make the cloud structures rotate with different speeds in different bands.

University of Arizona researcher Theodora Karalidi used a supercomputer and a new computer algorithm to create maps of how clouds travel on these brown dwarfs.

"When the peaks of the two waves are offset, over the course of the day there are two points of maximum brightness," Karalidi said. "When the waves are in sync, you get one large peak, making the brown dwarf twice as bright as with a single wave."

The results explain the puzzling behavior and brightness changes that researchers previously saw. The next step is to try to better understand what causes the waves that drive cloud behavior.

JPL manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech in Pasadena, California. Spacecraft operations are based at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Littleton, Colorado. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Spitzer, visit:

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Remote Oracle DBA Basics to Know When Moving to the Cloud

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to put some flashlight on The Remote Oracle DBA Basics to Know When Moving to the Cloud
The job of database administrators is becoming more and more hectic day by day with the expanse of data to be handled, especially when considering the large volumes of data that modern businesses have to deal with today. #Oracle #DBA #CloudComputing #IoT #SaaS #DevOps

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PURR-FECT RESCUE: This NYPD officer wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty to save a kitten that was swept into a sewer pipe during last night’s storms.

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HTC Announces Android Oreo Update for HTC U11, HTC U Ultra and HTC 10

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Will right-wing populism continue to prevail, or will it be destroyed? A look at Bannon, Buckley, the past and the future.

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Police report a white nationalist who says he pepper-sprayed a demonstrator in self-defense on the campus of the University of Virginia has turned himself in.

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Insider: Dividing The 2017 NFL QBs Into Tiers -

Tier 1 has 5 QBs.
Tier 2 has more.

Aug 22, 2017This marks my fourth annual NFL QB Tier rankings, featuring an expert panel that was our largest one yet. Fifty league insiders placed 36 QBs into one of five tiers, with Tier 1 reserved for the best and Tier 5 for the worst.Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady were again the only unanimous Tier 1 selections, but they had fresh company in the top grouping. Colin Kaepernick, though unsigned,...

#Sports #NFL

(Credit: ESPN)

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Nokia's next phone is ready and this one is affordable...

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(CNN)President Donald Trump went to Arizona on Tuesday night and delivered what has now become a trademark speech: Full of invective, victimhood and fact-free retellings of recent historical events.

I went through the transcript of Trump's speech -- all 77 minutes -- and picked out his 57 most outrageous lines, in chronological order. They're below.

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'Soul' Eclipse over Oregon Barn Celebrated in Poetry

"I sit among the grasses dry
Deceptively the time goes by
My cameras set, remotes in hand
As darkness creeps upon the land
My glasses sit upon my face
Gaze millions of miles out to space
There the sun does weakly shine
As the moon it slips behind
Smaller now, merely a slit
Yet quietly there I sit
The bulge of darkness from the west
I feel a pressure on my chest
Because the shows about to start
I cannot still my racing heart
The light goes weird, the shadows sharp
A tongue of moon-made shadow dark
Across the silver orb does glide
And in merely instants hides
And yet reveals its secret heart
Coronal jets stream their depart
A silver circle filled in jet
But the shows not over yet
Pearlescent glister in the sky
All darkened, a dusk that is a lie
For dawn on the westward side portends
From eyes to brain the signal sends
I sit and gape, my frantic thumbs
On the shutter buttons plumb
I'm unaware of this subconscious act
So taken in by this, the fact
This is the moment long awaited
And often in dreams anticipated
I hang on tight to every tick
Because sunrise is approaching quick
And before I have a chance to sing
The onset of the diamond ring
The moon withdraws, abruptly ends
The thing on which my life depends
And smithing pictures here with words
Memory shatters like earthen sherds
The moment quick to come has passed
The sky as bright as smoky glass
My breath goes silent, my heart goes still
With the passing of this astral thrill
But then I take a bitter pill
There are seven years to go until
I can sit once more in the silver chill."

Credit: Mark Rosengarten
Location: Madras, Oregon, United States
Image Date: August 21, 2017

Technical details: Fuji X-T2 with 10-24mm lens, 9 exposures bracketed around 1/60 second at f/8 and ISO 400.

+Mark Rosengarten
+Academy of American Poets
+The Best American Poetry
+University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
+American Poetry Museum

#Earth #Science #Astronomy #SolarEclipse #Sun #Solar #Moon #Eclipse #SolarEclipse2017 #Eclipse2017 #Madras #Oregon #UnitedStates #Astrophotography #Photography #Art #Life #Literature #Poetry #HumanNature #Humanism #STEM #Education

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Color stains

Here how I shot macros

#macrophotography #hqspmacro #hqspflowers #fotomaniaitalia #macroaddict #ilovephotography 

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A First Look at the Spacesuits of the Future | National Geographic
After years of anticipation, Elon Musk has finally revealed the design that could take humans to a new level of space exploration.
August 23, 2017: In true Elon Musk fashion, the latest SpaceX creation has been revealed with dramatic flair. Posting on his Instagram account early Wednesday morning, Musk unveiled the first iteration of his SpaceX spacesuit. The design, seen only from the waist up, features a slim black-and-white aesthetic and is a far cry from the bulky, puffy spacesuits worn by NASA astronauts.

Outside of Earth's protective atmosphere, spacesuits must regulate air pressure, oxygen, and temperature as well as deflect cosmic radiation, all while allowing for movement and communication. (Read more about how spacesuits have evolved.) But as space travel becomes more commercial and accessible, more flexible suits are imperative. Among other inconveniences, astronauts have lost fingernails as a result of the current pressurized glove design.

How hard was it to combine fashion and function? According to Musk's post, very, but he noted that the suits are fully functional and have "already been tested to double vacuum pressure."

Click on article link below to

Credit: +National Geographic
Author: Sarah Gibbens
Release Date: August 23, 2017

+Elon Musk
+NASA's Kennedy Space Center
+NASA Orion

#NASA #Space #Science #Technology #Astronaut #SpaceX #ElonMusk #Spacesuit #ISS #JourneyToMars #Mars #LaunchAmerica #Future #Engineering #Human #Spaceflight #UnitedStates #SolarSystem #Exploration #STEM #Education

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Asus ZenFone 4 Selfie brings more powerful selfie shooter than the primary camera at back....

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Trump must be respected as U.S. president, says Germany's Merkel

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Muhammad Ali's "worst fight" may have paved the way for Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor.

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#Sports #Fighting

(Credit: Yahoo Sports)

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Nebulas Light Up Milky Way Galaxy Satellite

The data used in this image were taken with Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys in September 2015.
Credits: NASA, ESA, STScI, K. Sandstrom (University of California, San Diego), and the SMIDGE team

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured two festive-looking nebulas, situated so as to appear as one. They reside in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy that is a satellite of our Milky Way galaxy. Intense radiation from the brilliant central stars is heating hydrogen in each of the nebulas, causing them to glow red.

The nebulas, together, are called NGC 248. They were discovered in 1834 by the astronomer Sir John Herschel. NGC 248 is about 60 light-years long and 20 light-years wide. It is among a number of glowing hydrogen nebulas in the dwarf satellite galaxy, which is located approximately 200,000 light-years away in the southern constellation Tucana.

The image is part of a study called Small Magellanic Cloud Investigation of Dust and Gas Evolution (SMIDGE). Astronomers are using Hubble to probe the Milky Way satellite to understand how dust is different in galaxies that have a far lower supply of heavy elements needed to create dust. The Small Magellanic Cloud has between a fifth and a tenth of the amount of heavy elements that the Milky Way does. Because it is so close, astronomers can study its dust in great detail, and learn about what dust was like earlier in the history of the universe. “It is important for understanding the history of our own galaxy, too,” explained the study’s principal investigator, Dr. Karin Sandstrom of the University of California, San Diego. Most of the star formation happened earlier in the universe, at a time where there was a much lower percentage of heavy elements than there is now. “Dust is a really critical part of how a galaxy works, how it forms stars,”

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Asteroid Florence will safely sweep past Earth on Sept. 1
Asteroid Florence, a large near-Earth asteroid, will pass safely by Earth on Sept. 1, 2017, at a distance of about 4.4 million miles, (7.0 million kilometers, or about 18 Earth-Moon distances). Florence is among the largest near-Earth asteroids that are several miles in size; measurements from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and NEOWISE mission indicate it’s about 2.7 miles (4.4 kilometers) in size.

This relatively close encounter provides an opportunity for scientists to study this asteroid up close. Florence is expected to be an excellent target for ground-based radar observations. Radar imaging is planned at NASA's Goldstone Solar System Radar in California and at the National Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The resulting radar images will show the real size of Florence and also could reveal surface details as small as about 30 feet (10 meters).

Source & further reading:

#NASA #space #asteroidFlorence #universe #science

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What do Taylor Swift's new post on social media mean?

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#ThrowbackThursday to #RAW (2016) where #JohnCena reunites with the #WWEUniverse, #AJStyles and the rest of #TheClub introduce themselves to the 15-time World Champion. Moments after #JohnCena declared that the #NewEra would have to go through him, #AJStyles came to the ring in an arrival that nearly caused the WWE Universe to implode under the weight of dueling fan support. Once the rancor died down, #AJStyles revealed he’d come to the ring under the pretense of paying respect. He even seemed primed to join #JohnCena when #LukeGallows & #KarlAnderson came to the ring. The whole thing was quickly revealed to be a ruse, however, as all three put a stomping on #JohnCena (guess that breakup from last week was only temporary) that culminated in not one, not two, but three additional pummelings from The #PhenomenalOne.

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Jackson 5 - "All I Do Is Think Of You"

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On this day:
At 23rd August of 1991, Nintendo releases the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in North America. The SNES was a global success, becoming the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced in North America and Europe from Sega's Genesis/Mega Drive console. The SNES remained popular well into the 32-bit era, and continues to be popular among fans, collectors, retro gamers, and emulation enthusiasts.

Video gaming has come a long way since the early days of Pong and Pac-man. We can now play affordable games of high calibre with 3D graphics and awesome interactivity in the comfort of our home, taking for granted the little and subtle improvements made to each and every consoles before becoming what they are today. In a way, the aggressive competition between companies of video game consoles had churned out the superior features of video gaming to bring to us the excellent quality we see today.

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was one of the big players in one of the most heated console wars of all time and remains as one of the most treasured consoles of all time. Its robust game library and high nostalgia level make it commonplace in a classic gaming collection.

Nintendo’s second console (known as the Super Famicom in Japan) was designed by Masayuki Uemura, who also designed the NES. Nintendo did not originally intend to make a successor to the successful NES, but as Sega’s Genesis/Megadrive started picking up steam and Nintendo saw its numbers slip in the market, this sparked the planning of a new console.

Mario, Zelda, and Metroid made huge marks on the Super Nintendo, but the system was also a hotbed for new ideas. Some of these were spin-offs, including Super Mario Kart. That racing game was so successful that every Nintendo system since (well, minus the Virtual Boy) has had a Mario Kart of its own, including the Wii U and 3DS.

Nintendo also elevated Mario’s side characters into stars of their own franchises. Donkey Kong Country gave DK and his friends three classic side-scrollers on the SNES, while Yoshi’s Island put Mario’s dinosaur sidekick front and center in one of the greatest platformers of all time. We also saw some entirely new franchises, like Star Fox, a 3D shooter that starred a set of humanized animals, and Pilot Wings, another flight-based series that didn’t have nearly as many talking toads.

Big franchises like Capcom’s Mega Man and Konami’s Castlevania would have some of their best games released on the system via Mega Man X and Super Castlevania IV. Square would also release some of its greatest RPGs ever for the SNES, including Final Fantasy VI (III in the U.S. at the time) and Chrono Trigger (developed with Enix, another RPG company that eventually merged with Square). Of course, plenty of big games came out for both the Super Nintendo and Genesis: Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Earthworm Jim, and NBA Jam among them.

Even with the launch of 32 bit systems SNES still proved it was a strong contender in the market. Nintendo of America didn’t stop producing the Super Nintendo until 1999. In Japan the Super Famicom continued to be produced until September 2003. Nintendo continued to innovate with controller designs by having four face buttons and two shoulder/trigger buttons. This design served as the primary inspiration to nearly every modern console controler after the 16/32-bit era.

#SNES #Nintendo #Console #Gaming
#RetroGaming #VideoGameConsole #Retro
#Oldschool #Onthisday #16Bit #Vintage

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You and some 'cavemen' get a genetic checkup

_Had an arrow in his back not felled the legendary Iceman some 5,300 years ago, he would have likely dropped dead from a heart attack. Written in the DNA of his remains was a propensity for cardiovascular disease. Heart problems were much more common in the genes of our ancient ancestors than in ours today, according to a new study by the Georgia Institute of Technology, which computationally compared genetic disease factors in modern humans with those of people through the millennia. Overall, the news from the study is good. Evolution appears, through the ages, to have weeded out genetic influences that promote disease, while promulgating influences that protect from disease.
Evolutionary double-take But for us modern folks, there's also a hint of bad news. That generally healthy trend might have reversed in the last 500 to 1,000 years, meaning that, with the exception of cardiovascular ailments, disease risks found in our genes may be on the rise. For mental health, our genetic underpinnings looked especially worse than those of our ancient forebears. Though the long-term positive trend looks very clear in the data, it's too early to tell if the initial impression of a shorter-term reversal will hold. Further research in this brand new field could dismiss it. "That could well happen," said principal investigator Joe Lachance, an assistant professor in Georgia Tech's School of Biological Sciences. "But it was still perplexing to see a good many of our ancestors' genomes looking considerably healthier than ours do. That wasn't really expected."_

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Jon Snow and Daenerys Will Probably Get to the End in "Game of Thrones"

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Google’s Pixel 2 flagship phones might launch on October 5

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Mark your calendars (also for the new Chromebook Pixel and the Google Home Mini)
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