I have a colleague who recently joined our team. They're quite keen and want to help out a lot. They've sent out emails to the team with links to a network folder that contains copyrighted/pirated material relevant to the team's work.

This is obviously against company policy. They should have known this as they've been employed with the company in another department before they joined our team. However, I don't know them that well, so I feel I'd be overstepping the mark if I tell them to remove the files and not do that anymore.

I've informed my line manager about it on two occasions, and their response was I should take responsibility and inform the colleague. I am not in a managerial role, I am just a peer although I've been in this team longer.

Am I right to refuse to carry out (what seems to be) the task of my manager?

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Or in other words, are they trying to simply delegate their job to you, or trying to shift responsibilities of any risks that may result from the situation? – mpasko256 13 hours ago
There is a lot that we do not know that is pertinent. I agree that your coworker should know that pirated material cannot be used, but are you sure that that the material is pirated? You noted that this material was on a network folder. To me, that would imply that the material has been vetted and is acceptable to use. Another consideration is the end result. Your company's policy may be so strict (ours is) that use of pirated material - even unintentionally - results in immediate termination. Your manager my want you to step up so he does not have to fire the guy. – Michael J. 13 hours ago
Just send them an email. "I know you're trying to be helpful but we can't have pirated material on the company network. It is against company policy. Please remove it immediately." - the vast majority of people would comply without argument. If they don't then escalate it. – Martin Smith 12 hours ago
Where do you live? If it is in N. America then what you are observing is not a minor infraction but a very serious and possibly company-destroying legal liability. In the US, the federal penalty for using pirated software copyright infringement is ridiculously high (I believe up to $250k per found piece of software). If someone reports your company you could easily have to start looking for a new job. I'd treat the problem with that level of seriousness. – DanK 12 hours ago
Are you sure its pirated? My previous job had a lot of material that was copywritten but we had permission to purchase one copy and share with our team because we purchased software from the company (a large database provider, hint hint). The software license gave us a blanket license to keep the educational materials on our network drive provided we didn't keep it for personal use after we left. – mkingsbu 10 hours ago

I've informed my line manager about it on two occasions and the response was that I should take responsibility and inform my colleague instead.

Your manager is completely wrong.

Once your manager was informed about the situation, it is this manager's responsibility to either deal with this issue or choose to leave it alone. Shirking that responsibility is simply poor management.

It's completely irresponsible to try and pawn off an awkward task on someone who is not a manager, but is a peer of the new person.

You can choose to be a friend to the new person and provide a gentle reminder about company rules/policy. Or not.

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The logical follow-up question would then be, how do you diplomatically tell your boss that they are wrong? – David K 17 hours ago
In general, I agree, it is the manager's job. That being said, we don't know the full story. The manager may have a problem with the OP bringing him every little problem in the office, and is trying to use this as a "teachable moment", to show the OP that he too can help resolve conflict in the office. The fact that the OP has brought it to the manager twice without considering just solving it himself is worrisome to me. I don't think there's anything unethical or inherently wrong with the manager delegating this to the OP and the OP following through. – CDahn 17 hours ago
Every company I have ever worked for had an anonymous phone extension for reporting things like this. But I still think it would have been better to suggest privately that he clean up his act. Escalate IF that fails. Of course, when HR shows up, he'll know who reported it, sorry. – WGroleau 17 hours ago
@CDahn Pirated material on the company machines is not a little problem. – user3067860 16 hours ago
@CDahn Sorry I should have mentioned that I brought it up twice because a second email sharing more content came up a week later. I don't mind giving instructions on how the work should be done if things we're going wrong, I just saw this as beyond my scope responsibility (in case they took it the wrong way). – vman 15 hours ago

You were right in bringing up the issue with the manager first. Now your manager's instruction is clear. He has asked you to inform the colleague, so you should do so. If nothing changes, you report it back to the manager and let him figure out what to do next.

It is not uncommon for managers to delegate some management tasks to non-manager team members, especially senior team members. This is sometimes even necessary because people tend to pursue everything that a manager says or does as carrying a "manager tag", which sometimes creates mountains out of molehills.

You are absolutely correct that your colleague should know better than sharing pirated material. Your manager had two options to deal with the issue.

  1. Talk directly to them and ask them to stop sharing pirated material. Whether the manager intends to or not, they will see this as an official reprimand.
  2. Ask a senior team member to talk to them "unofficially". This will hopefully resolve this issue, without the manager getting involved.

There is nothing wrong at all if the manager chose the first option. However, considering that the colleague was trying to be helpful, he probably decided to assume good intentions and give them a chance to save face.

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I think the manager might have went with option 3: ignore the issue, and allow vman to follow up on it if he's bothered by it. I think @JoeStrazzere's answer is the perfect way to handle the situation if this is the case – nardnob 12 hours ago
I really like this answer because it gives room for the fact that the manager may not be trying to make an official deal out of it unless he has to. "Hey man don't do that it's will get you in trouble" is a a lot better then a manager having to put something on file, reprimand someone, perhaps even fire them. Maybe the manager is just trying to keep what he sees as a small issue small, and not a event that requires the IT team, Purchasing, HR, and legal to get involved. – coteyr 9 hours ago

One team, one mission.

As a work community, it's everyone's responsibility to keep everyone else working productively and cooperatively. Your line manager's responsibility is to grade performance, provide top-cover from upper management to keep you from being interrupted for meetings and presentations that disrupt productivity, and ensure that the overall direction of your division is moving along in line with relevant Mission Statements.

Yes, it would be nice if you manager would arbitrate and resolve every minor infraction in your office, but the reality is that you guys are a team, and team members take responsibility for each other. Your line manager's role in that team is that of the team leader, promoting cohesion and finding members for the team that work with that cohesion.

So, get a few of your other coworkers that are like minded, and talk to this person. If after you've spoken with that person, they are unwilling to cease illegal activities, then it is now your line manager's job to remove that person from the team.

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Agreed. Unless the guy is already known to be a jerk, a polite private suggestion that he should remove the illegal materials "before we all get in trouble not only for breaking the law but for violating company policy" would be the best thing to do first. Manager may want to see how the guy responds to that. Second step might be to get another team member to do the same. Step three, tell the boss he's not cooperating. – WGroleau 17 hours ago
Given the penalties the company can incur over copyright theft and piracy - this is not a minor infraction. A minor infraction would be a broken build or missing a meeting. – HorusKol 16 hours ago
One Band, One Sound. – BigHomie 16 hours ago
Let's bring it back to the real world. If it comes down to an organization like The Software Alliance getting involved over a copyright violation, will the team members risk losing their jobs over the one "bad apple" working there? Your vision of "work community" is made up of the same stuff as dwarves who sing hidey-ho, whistle, and manage to stay spotless while working in mines. – Xavier J 14 hours ago
@HorusKol, people bring in copyrighted and pirated things to work all the time, no company in its right mind is going to spend the money to sue someone unless the theft is magnificent in its scope. The price of commercial products have theft built in. The OP didn't say what was pirated, so it's safe to assume it's run of the mill, not an advance copy of Windows 17. – CDahn 10 hours ago

Other action that can be performed besides of solutions from other answers: Discuss with your manager organization of a mandatory "training". Invite all newcomers from your team/department/company (depending on rotation per company size or your time)

During the training, include topics like copyright laws, company policies and what actions should be done when "copyright infringement" was detected (escalate to your line manager)

I understand that it is boring and repetitive, especially in big companies but can help avoid such problems done by any new employee in the future.

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It might be good to have all existing team members do the training if any of them actually used the pirated material. Ideally the new employee would have had this training when they first joined. I'm wondering now if that didn't happen or if it did and the new person just ignored it. – BSMP 15 hours ago
This is the manager's job. – Xavier J 14 hours ago
@XavierJ I strongly agree. But if you have some additional working time to spend in the middle of other tasks, it could be proactive to do actions profitable for whole company. But I made remark: to discuss it with manager first. – mpasko256 14 hours ago
@XavierJ No, it's everyone's job. Following the law and acting ethically is the responsibility of everyone in the organization regardless of rank. Taking the "it's not my job" attitude is how monumental s***storms like the Enron and Worldcom debacles occurred. – DanK 11 hours ago
It's definitely not everybody's job to get involved in policing or deciding organizational training needs. – Xavier J 11 hours ago

Am I right to refuse to carry out (what seems to be) the task of my manager?

This all depends on what the word "right" means to you.

If this is a matter of principle to you, and you are prepared to accept whatever consequences arise after disobeying your manager, then yes, it is right.

On the other hand, it seems unwise to risk your job, or standing with your manager, for the relatively simple task of passing along a message to your colleague.

If you refuse, you now potentially share (in the eyes of your manager, rightly or wrongly) in any damages that result from the pirated software.

I agree that your manager should be the one to handle this matter, but in your case, is this a battle worth fighting?

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for the relatively simple task of passing along a message to your colleague Are we sure that's the task though? To me it's not clear whether the manager just wants the OP to say something or whether the manager expects the OP to be able to make their co-worker stop. If it's the latter, and talking to the new co-worker doesn't work, what then? – BSMP 14 hours ago
@BSMP good point -- I took "inform the colleague" as the only thing being asked. – mcknz 14 hours ago

Congratulations! You're in an excellent position.

on two occasions, and their response was I should take responsibility and inform the colleague. I am not in a managerial role, I am just a peer although I've been in this team longer.

They are having you do their role. Excellent.

Am I right to refuse to carry out (what seems to be) the task of my manager?

No way! Comply. Besides the fact that your manager is in a position to delegate tasks to you, there is also the fact that complying is very much to your benefit to do.

In order to receive a promotion, people want to see that you will be able to handle the new tasks. The strongest way to prove that is if you have experience doing the tasks already, or at least something similar (such as doing part of the job). That places the promoters' minds at ease, and places you way ahead of someone who is much more of an unknown.

If you fail, you have a great excuse: You didn't know what you were doing, and that's rather okay. It wasn't really your position to. You can discuss with your manager, and maybe learn something.

But, even better, maybe you succeed. In that case, you've performed a task for your boss. This means you made your boss's life easier. You've also shown you are a capable person. The management will know that if similar situations arise, you will have some positive experience to reflect on, and you've shown that such a situation wasn't too difficult before.

Take advantage of the opportunity that your manager has given you.

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As others have said, it is not your duty to deal with this matters. Your manager should do it.

Here are two reasons you can use to convince/jolt your manager into paying attention to piracy.

1 - Pirated PDFs (or apps) can be embedded with malware which can open your company to hacker attacks. They can also contain malicious links to sites that do drive by malware downloads. (Why would someone spend time to crack pdf security to provide you books for free ?) You can google pdf malware or see this link. https://www.sans.org/security-resources/malwarefaq/pdf-overview

2 - A disgruntled employee can report piracy to the authorities and this might/might not end in dire consequences for the company, including loss of face. Here is an example of video game developer crytek being accused of using pirated copies of 3d modeling software: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/far-cry-developer-raided/1100-6087423/

If you need access to a library of technical books as opposed to a few books, then suggest your boss to get safaribooks website accounts. Your colleagues can share the account credentials.

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Unless this was going to impact the actual work you were involved in, you should have stayed out of this completely. From the very start, it wasn't your responsibility to police after your team members. If they were to install said software, with knowledge aforethought of its origin, it would have no bearing upon you. You should have only raised this as an issue at the point where anyone was instructing you to install it and the failure to do so would impede your duties.

So NOW, your manager is pushing this off on you to rectify -- which is improper. This is a "hot potato" in that the longer it's in your hands, the more your fingers will get burned. I'd send the e-mail, per the manager's request, and do no more. No more policing!

Dear Xyz: Our manager, Bob, has requested that you remove Software Abc from the company's shared network drive because we don't have legitimate licenses for it.

CC: your manager on the e-mail (as verification that you've sent it), and leave the issue alone. Don't go back to check if it's done; don't "report" on compliance or not. Leave the managing to the manager.

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If I were an employer I would expect my employees to help me maintain a legal, policy-abiding company. If someone had pirated, pornographic, or other material on company equipment I would expect them to let me know about it (and would put this in company policy). I would consider it a violation for an employee to have knowledge of such material and not report it. I would put this in the code of ethics and the training about what is expected at the company. I also would never expect an employee to confront a coworker. That is ridiculous... – CodeSeeker 13 hours ago

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