Media Room.

HomeAdvisor is an excellent resource for media covering all things home improvement and internet tech. Whether you’re looking for home project cost data, remodeling trends, seasonal maintenance tips, or an expert voice for an article about the future of online marketplaces, you’ve come to the right place.

Press Resources

We’ve assembled a set of resources to help you tell a story about HomeAdvisor.
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Press Releases

We’ve got the dirt on the hottest trends in the home improvement industry. And we’ve got a lot to share about our business, our tech and our people too.
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Press Highlights

HomeAdvisor is in the news. Check out our recent coverage.
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Expert Advisors

Our advisors are on standby to add interest and expertise to your stories about home improvement and repair, budgeting and DIY, and local services technology.
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Insights Forum

The HomeAdvisor Insights Forum explores important issues affecting homeowners today and opens the conversation around topics including housing trends, solutions and innovations leading the industry.
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