Impatiently updating my Nexus 6

My well-documented impatience extends to my mobile device, an unlocked Nexus 6 on Verizon. While I generally received Google’s updates in short order, this was not always the case. To my relief, Google releases the same updates carriers deliver to their subscribers, allowing me to update my device at my convenience.
Continue reading Impatiently updating my Nexus 6

Managing domain and certificate expiration with DomainMOD

With 40 domains–plus a half dozen certificates–to track, I added the DomainMOD tool to my repertoire. Its API integrations, in particular, made it an appealing choice, as I had little desire to manually enter so many details. After three months, I’m quite pleased with my decision.

Installation was as straightforward as a git checkout, creation of a MySQL table, and the addition of a server block to my nginx configuration. With DomainMOD successfully running, I configured it to use my mailserver, then got to importing my domains.

Continue reading Managing domain and certificate expiration with DomainMOD

Running a private Photon instance

Recently, as part of my ongoing quest to self-host as much as possible, I found myself in need of an image proxy. A service I’d installed on an HTTPS-only URL was requesting HTTP-only images, making for a very poor experience.

Continue reading Running a private Photon instance

Abandoning StartSSL

After Mozilla’s devastating report, and both Chrome and Firefox’s decision to stop trusting StartSSL certificates issued after October 28, I had no choice but to replace the certificates I’d obtained through StartSSL.

The process took a few months, mainly due to the associated costs. While most of my StartSSL certificates were replaced with ones issued by Let’s Encrypt, there were a few cases where LE wasn’t appropriate. This primarily impacted domains that have many, many subdomains, however there were also a few cases where Let’s Encrypt’s three-month duration would’ve been burdensome. Ultimately I had to purchase three wildcard certificates, plus three single-domain certificates. With those installed, I’m now free of StartSSL/Wosign. After sixty days, I can rotate the pinned keys, impeding any further use of my legacy StartSSL certificates.

Replacing Slack, IFTTT, and Zapier

To anyone who follows my posts here, my love of open-source software is well-known. Open-source alternatives allow me to host my own nameservers, email, website, and GitHub alternative, and I’ve now supplanted Slack and automation tools like IFTTT and Zapier.

Continue reading Replacing Slack, IFTTT, and Zapier

Preparing for PHP 7.1

I’ve been using PHP 7.0 for just over a year, and the 7.1 branch reached its first stable release last month, so I’ve begun thinking about what the switch will entail. Fortunately, my needs are fairly simple, so I only require two additional modules: Redis and GeoIP. I’ve made one hasty attempt to build 7.1 with support for these features, which failed spectacularly; fortunately, the chance that it was an error on my part is quite good, so things may just work when I try it again.

Sadly, I’m not yet able to drop PHP 5.6 support from my VPS as a few necessary applications still don’t work as expected under newer releases.

I love my CDN

KeyCDN is rather spectacular. I’ve used them for more than two years now, and their features-for-price are unmatched. Of greatest importance to me, they support custom SSL certificates as part of their basic offering. Given my obsession with HSTS and HPKP (see also), this was essential.

In the last six months, they’ve spared my VPS appreciable traffic:

I can’t recommend KeyCDN enough. I’m told that Brotli and IPv6 support are coming in the first quarter of 2017. 🎉

Flic controller for Home Assistant updated with breaking changes

While it’s no longer necessary because Home Assistant 0.35 introduced native support for Flic buttons, I’m still using the controller I released just before Home Assistant updated. In part, this is because I haven’t taken the time to switch the integrations over to Home Assistant automations. Also, having spent some time on the controller, I am not ready to abandon it.

Continue reading Flic controller for Home Assistant updated with breaking changes