
  • Modernization of Material Testing lab
    Modernization of Material Testing lab." AICTE sponsored - Worth Rs. 7.00 Lakh
  • Modernization of Survey lab
    Modernization of Survey lab." AICTE sponsored - Worth Rs. 6.94 Lakh
  • Modernization of Geotechnical lab
    Modernization of Geotechnical lab. AICTE sponsored - Worth Rs. 5.71 lakh

Sponsored Research Projects

No. of research projects Total amount involved
1 4.20 Lakhs (Submitted to DST)

List of publications of the teachers of the department

  • Total No. of Lab Manuals Published: 02
  • No. of research papers published (Journal): 15
  • No. of research papers published (National Conference): 32
  • No. of research papers published (International Conference): 03

Projects Submitted at Civil Engineering Department

Projects under Thrust/ Emerging Areas 1. Career Award for Young Teachers: Sh Trilok Gupta
2. Evaluation of Seismic Behaviour of Existing RCC Buildings: Dr Ravi K. Sharma & Sh. Trilok Gupta ( Rs 59.45 lacs)
3. Experimental Investigation of Durability Enhancement of Concrete Using Marble Slurry Dust. :Dr Ravi K. Sharma & Sh R.S. Shekhawat ( Rs 4.70 lacs)
4. Experimental Investigation of Durability Enhancement of Concrete Mix Using Fly-ash and treated Rice Husk ash. :Dr BSM Singvi & Sh R.S. Shekhawat ( Rs 3.46 lacs)
5. Experimental Investigation of Durability Enhancement of Marble Slurry in Earthen Slopes of Channels and Minor Dams. :Sh. R.P.Arora & Sh R.S. Shekhawat ( Rs 3.36 lacs)
Staff Development "Modernization of Computational lab." AICTE sponsored - Worth Rs. 17.00 Lakh

Quality Improvement Programmes Conducted

1. “Earthquake Risk Management for Rural and Urban Housing” sponsored by N.I.T.T.T.R. Chandigarh from 25 to 29 August, 2008 (One Week)

2. All India National Seminar on “Emerging trends in Civil Engineering” sponsored by IE (India) local centre Udaipur from 18 to 19 October, 2010


Forth Coming Events

One day workshop on “Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs”  sponsored by Dr. Fixit Institute, Mumbai, (December, 2011)