How to use Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0



Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0


How to use Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0

Back to "for Linux/FreeBSD"
2015 Jan 26 ID: 11709

The article contains detailed instruction on using Kaspersky Update Utility and is recommended for first-time users.

  1. Download and extract the archive to any catalog (for example, /home/user): # tar -zxvf updateutility_bsd_en_3.1.0-25.tar.gz

For Linux   

For FreeBSD 

  1. The utility folder contains the following files:
    • UpdateUtility-Console starts the console version of the utility.
    • UpdateUtility-Gui starts the graphical version of the utility.
    • updater.ini is the utility configuration file.
    • ReleaseNotes.txt contains the current version utility notes.
  1. Below we will examine the graphical version of the utility. Run the file UpdateUtility-Gui and click the Applications button.

  1. Select the Kaspersky Lab products whose updates you need.

  1. In the Kaspersky Update Utility window, click Settings.

  1. In the Download section, specify the update folder and the temporary folder:

  1. Click Start and wait until the download is complete.

  1. After the updates have been downloaded, an Updates subfolder will be created in the folder you specified. You can copy it to a removable drive or share access to it (for example, by FTP or SMB); Kaspersky Lab products will use it to update the databases.

  • Updating through a local network with no Internet access: open network access to the Updates folder and specify it as an update source in the Kaspersky Lab product for which you downloaded the databases.  
  • Local update (using a removable media): copy the Updates folder to a removable drive or flash drive, connect it to the updates computer and specify the Updates folder on the removable media as an update source in the Kaspersky Lab.

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