How to run Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0 with no user logged in



Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0


How to run Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0 with no user logged in

Back to "for Windows"
2015 Jan 21 ID: 11706

Kaspersky Update Uitility 3.0 can be run via Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler.

Using the option Run whether user is logged on or not, you can run the utility on the computer with no user logged on.

General information

There are two steps in configuring Kaspersky Update Uitility 3.0:

  1. Edit the following parameters in the updater.ini configuration file:
    • Applications to update.
    • Connection properties.
    • Temporary folder / Update folder (only the absolute path is accepted).
  1. Create a Microsoft Windows Scheduler task that runs the console version of the utility (UpdateUtility-Console.exe).

Creating the task in Windows Task Scheduler 

  1. Run Task Scheduler by typing taskschd.msc /s in the Start menu search string.
  2. Select the Create Basic Task item in the right frame or in the Action menu.
  3. Follow the wizard directions. Specify the name and the schedule of the task.
  4. At the Action step, select Start a program.
  5. At the Start a program step, specify the full path of the UpdateUtility-Console.exe file.
  6. In the Add arguments box, specify -u.
  7. Click Next.

  1. Click Finish at the last step.
  2. Open the task properties and select the option Run whether user is logged on or not.
  3. Make sure the user account you specified has the required privileges.
  4. Click OK.

Kaspersky Update Utiliy 3.0 will be run according to the schedule even when no user is logged on.

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