What do the messages "kas-restart: No ap-mailfiler processes running" in the events log mean?



Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0


What do the messages "kas-restart: No ap-mailfiler processes running" in the events log mean?

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2012 Nov 08 ID: 5

If there is no load on the mail server for some time, then the following messages "kas-restart: No ap-mailfiler processes running" can be found in the events log (to view the event log, go to: Monitoring -> AntiSpam Engine) 

By default the ap-mailflilter filtering processes are started only when some messages remained unchecked. 

Note: the number of started processes can be customized by changing the parameter Settings-> Process Server -> Number of filtration processes at server start-up. The 0 (zero) value in the number of processes means, the check is enabled only when some messages are still unchecked. If you set some number of processes then the defined number of ap-mailflilter’s will be always loaded in the RAM. 

Sometimes when there is no load on the ap-process-server filtering server, a signal might be sent to the server to reread configuration (for example, if the databases were updated), then the corresponding message will be added to the events log. This is an informational message and not an error. 

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