Autopatch B for Kaspersky Security Center 10 released



Kaspersky Security Center 10


Autopatch B for Kaspersky Security Center 10 released

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2013 Dec 24 ID: 9330

On April 18, 2013 Kaspersky Lab announced the release of autopatch B for Kaspersky Security Center 10 (version 10.0.3361).

Issues fixed

Autopatch B fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed the issue when a task was constantly restarted if the Run missed tasks option was enabled.
  • Fixed the increased CPU load caused by the klnagent.exe process.

How to download and install autopatch B

Autopatch B is downloaded to the Administration Server as a regular update.

To install and apply the autopatch to the Administration Server and Network Agents:

  1. Open the properties of the Download updates to the repository task and go to the Settings section.
  2. In the right frame of the window, click the Configure link in the Other settings section.
  3. In the Other settings window, enable the Update Administration Server modules and Update Network Agent modules options.
  4. Click ОК twice.
  5. Run the Download updates to the repository task.

To avoid the Administration Server overload, the autopatch is installed in a step-by-step manner, and this may take some time.

How to check if autopatch B is installed

The file versions in the Network Agent installation directory should change as follows:

  • klcsagt.dll - 10.0.3375
  • klcsstd2.dll - 10.0.3375

To view the information on the patches installed for the Administration Server and the Network Agent, generate a Kaspersky Lab software version report with the Updates installed field included. To enable that field, open the report properties and add the Updates installed field in the Detail fields section. The patch details will be then displayed in the Updates installed field of the report.

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