How to install Network Agent of Kaspersky Security Center 10 in the silent mode



Kaspersky Security Center 10


How to install Network Agent of Kaspersky Security Center 10 in the silent mode

Back to "Installation and Removal"
2017 Jun 05 ID: 12396

You can install Network Agent of Kaspersky Security Center 10 in the silent mode (no configuration options are displayed in the dialog mode during installation).  

Do the following:

  1. Extract the Network Agent msi package from the archive.
  2. Run the command:
msiexec /i “Kaspersky Network Agent.msi” /qn <setup_parameters>

, where <setup parameters> stand for the list of space separated installation parameters with their values (for example, PROP1=PROP1VAL PROP2=PROP2VAL).

If you are using default connection settings for Kaspersky Security Center 10 SP2 MR1 and Network Agent on remote hosts, run the command:

msiexec.exe /i "Kaspersky Network Agent.msi" /qn /l*vx c:\windows\temp\nag_inst.log SERVERADDRESS="X.X.X.X" DONT_USE_ANSWER_FILE=1 EULA=1

where /l*vx stands for writing logs.

If you are using default connection settings for a version of Kaspersky Security Center 10 earlier than SP2 MR1, as well as Network Agent on remote hosts, run the command:

msiexec.exe /i "Kaspersky Network Agent.msi" /qn /l*vx c:\windows\temp\nag_inst.log SERVERADDRESS="X.X.X.X" DONT_USE_ANSWER_FILE=1

where /l*vx stands for writing logs.



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