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Uh-oh! It’s 20 years to the day since the introduction of one of the internet’s most well-remembered chat apps: ICQ.

Today the company announced that it would sell Russian Delivery Club, its operations in Russia, to Mail.Ru Group for $100 million.

Mail.Ru, one of Russia’s top internet companies, has acquired developer Pixonic for $30 million.

You either take a fresh video or select one from your gallery, choose the 10-second section you want to use and wait for the app to transform it into a version that reflects the styles of popular artists like Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. — the Russian internet giant with 100 million users of its mail, social networking (it now owns and other web-based services — has made an acquisition that will start to bring navigation and location-based services into the mix.

Russian email-to-online-gaming group said on Thursday it had acquired MAPS.ME, a maps and navigation service for mobile devices, to help expand its global audience.