Dmitry Grishin

co-founder and Сhairman of the Board of Mail.Ru Group

We found a very interesting pill. We began to pay attention to what people do when they communicate and what they communicate.

Strategy of development

Mail.Ru Group develops Internet communications and entertainment services in Russia and globally. Our strategy is simple: create the best services for communication and entertainment. We call our strategy communitainment (communications + entertainment).

Today, the company operates Russian language social networks Vkontakte (VK), Odnoklassniki (OK) and Moi Mir (My World), instant messenger services in Russia — Agent Mail.Ru and ICQ, the world's leading email service, one of the largest portals in Russian-speaking countries, and the largest portfolio of online games. In fall of 2013, we launched a subsidiary, which began with a family of mobile apps and games, and most recently expanded to PC games bringing immersive, massively multiplayer online experience to the masses.

To make communitainment strategy a reality — we need highly skilled technical professionals. Mail.Ru Group is active  in developing professional education, collaborates with leading departments of universities and offers a variety of programs designed to share and inspire the IT community.

Examples include — Technology forum, an international championship for programmers Russian Code Cup, the championship for artificial intelligence programming Russian AI Cup, a design competition Russian Design Cup, and Technopark Mail.Ru — a unique educational project created by Mail.Ru Group and Bauman university for the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of web development.

Mail.Ru Group Limited is a public company, whose Global Depositary Receipts (GDR) representing company's ordinary shares are admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange.

Mail.Ru Group Limited is a holding company for a number of subsidiaries, including Russian operating subsidiaries. Under the term Mail.Ru Group on this website we understand as the context requires Mail.Ru Group Limited, Mail.Ru Group Limited together with its subsidiaries or Mail.Ru Group Limited's respective subsidiary.