Mail.Ru Group has a long history of supporting IT education development in Russia, including the company’s corporate social responsibility events. Annually, Mail.Ru Group hosts the Russian Code Cup, an international programmers’ contest; the Russian AI Cup, an artificial intelligence programming championship; the Russian Design Cup, a contest for designers and interface developers; Technology Forums. We actively collaborate with university departments where our key project is called Technopark Mail.Ru.

In 2013, the company launched Dobro Mail.Ru project, a high-scale service of good deeds, throughout Russia. The company also advances corporate volunteer programs. Several times a year, our employees participate in a Donor Day, where they perform acts of charity, for example collecting necessities for adults, children and seniors who may need help, and other charitable deeds on the Dobro Mail.Ru service. In addition, Mail.Ru Group makes a monthly donation to purchase medical equipment for children's treatment.

Mail.Ru Group Limited is a public company, whose Global Depositary Receipts (GDR) representing company's ordinary shares are admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange.

Mail.Ru Group Limited is a holding company for a number of subsidiaries, including Russian operating subsidiaries. Under the term Mail.Ru Group on this website we understand as the context requires Mail.Ru Group Limited, Mail.Ru Group Limited together with its subsidiaries or Mail.Ru Group Limited's respective subsidiary.

OpenSource Mail.Ru

In 2015, the OpenSource Mail.Ru information project was launched. This website contains information on Mail.Ru Group's open source software, i.e. projects where the source code can be viewed, studied and changed by anyone. Mail.Ru Group has released source code of both small and large projects, including ICQ (a messenger offering chats, voice and video calls, group chats, file sharing, free text messages, online games, notifications of new messages and many more), MAPS.ME (a multi-platform app for quick offline maps based on the OpenStreetMap data) and Tarantool (a unique solution that combines a non-blocking Lua application server with a NoSQL database).

The new website also features open source projects developed by the company’s team members, such as Centrifugo (a real time messaging server), 3proxy (a multi-platform multi-protocol proxy server), Jam (a package manager for JavaScript), Fest (a template engine that compiles XML templates into self-contained JavaScript functions), and more.

OpenSource Mail.Ru

Dobro Mail.Ru

Dobro Mail.Ru — is a service that helps people to participate in charity projects in practically all cities over Russia. For the first time virtually all means of doing good deeds are collected in one place. Currently Dobro supports more than 40 charity organizations conducting about 100 projects.

There are projects to help children, adults in difficult circumstances, elderly people. There are also projects dedicated to helping stray and abandoned animals or saving nature diversity. Anyone can join foundations and provide material or actual help by making a donation or sending an application to join a volunteer project directly on the site.