This plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



This plug-in allows you to write posts (of any post type) using the Markdown syntax. The plug-in converts the Markdown into HTML prior to saving the post. When editing a post, the plug-in converts
it back into Markdown syntax.

The plug-in also allows you to enable Markdown in comments and BBPress forums. In these instances the plug-in adds a toolbar, and preview of the processed Markdown with Prettify syntax highlighter applied (similiar to that used in the Stack Exchange websites such as WordPress Stack Exchange).

WP-Markdown stores the processed HTML, so deactivating the plug-in will not affect your posts, comments or bbPress forums.


  • The Markdown toolbar and previewer on a bbPress forum
  • Plug-in settings, located at the bottom of the Writing settings page
  • The Markdown toolbar and previewer on a comment form
  • Example of Markdown syntax
  • The output of the example Markdown


Installation is standard and straight forward.

  1. Upload markdown folder (and all it’s contents!) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to your Settings > Writing page and enable markdown for the appropriate post types and comments.


How do I use Markdown syntax?

For information on how to use Markdown sytnax pleae read: Markdown: syntax.

What happens to the post content if I uninstall the plug-in?

The plug-in uses Markdown to generate the appropriate HTML prior to the post saving to the database. When you edit a post, it is converted back to Markdown syntax.
Once the plug-in is uninstalled you’ll simply rever to editing the posts’ HTML.

How do I embed content?

A clean install of WordPress allows you to (for example) include a YouTube url on a seperate line, whereupon it will automatically embed the video. This is not possible with WP-MarkDown installed (I tried – I broke more things. But if you manage it, feel free to make a pull-request:

You’ll need to use the [embed] shortcode.

How do I prevent a bit of the page being parsed as MarkDown?

Enclose it in a div tag. It’ll be ignored.

How do I allow the contents of a `div` tag to be parsed as MarkDown?

Use <div markdown="1">.


Waiting for 1.6

Version 1.5.1 of the plugin works almost perfectly.

I’m just waiting for the upcoming 1.6 update (which is in alpha on GitHub) to be pushed, so I can use GitHub Flavor-style codeblocks specifying the exact language.

elegant and lightweight solution for using markdown

I like the simplified editor controls so you don’t need to know Markdown to use it – the basics are in there
Ideal for less technical people that can get into a muddle with HTML.

Entering table markup works OK in the article but doesn’t render as a table in the preview window.

Read all 23 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP-Markdown” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Addresses issues with (since withdrawn) 1.5 version


  • Handle tables. See#35
  • Apply responsive layout issue. See#31
  • Use compressed prettify.js
  • Fixed bug with lists not being escaped
  • Fix textdomain. Change to ‘wp-markdown’. Add pot.
  • Fixes incompatability issues with bbPress.


  • Fixes issue with consecutive shortcodes.
  • Fixes editing bbPress topics/replies on the front end corrupts MarkDown. See #25


  • Apply kses and balance tags after MD->HTML conversion. See#23
  • Compress scripts and minify icon sprite. See #7
  • Adds ‘more’ tag to MarkDown editor.
  • Adds support for iframes. See #22.
  • Fixes bug with underscores in shortcodes.
  • Adds support for tbody, tfoot and thead tags
  • Refactoring including renaming of plug-in style & script handles.


  • Fixes problems with images nested inside links. See #12
  • Ensure prettify is loaded, if needed, on home page. See #6
  • Updated Markdownify
  • Updated Prettify


  • Removes the wpautop/unwpautop functions. If using oembed, use embed shortcodes.
  • Adds public wrapper functions.
  • Remove bbPress front-end tinymce editor if using MarkDown


  • Fixes bug introduced in 1.1.4 where line breaks are stripped (affects code blocks).


  • Fixes bug where oembed would not work. Thanks ot Michael & Vinicius
  • Adds a filters for MarkDown ‘help’ text: wpmarkdown_help_text
  • Support for MarkDown extra (currently not supported in pagedown previewer)


  • Stable with WordPress 3.4
  • Fixed bug relating title attributes for links and images


  • Fixed bug relating to comments by logged out users


  • Fixed backslash bug


  • Added option to replace TinyMCE with Markdown help bar on post editor


  • Initial release