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Airline age rulesopens in a new window
Children under 2 must either sit in laps or in seats.
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Airline age rulesopens in a new window
Children under 2 must either sit in laps or in seats.
Save up to 54% in a hotel with a booked flight, car, train or cruise for the same traveler. Existing booking does not need to be from Expedia.

Save up to $603 Book Flight + Hotel at the same time*

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Children under 2 must either sit in laps or in seats.

Save up to $603 Book Flight + Hotel at the same time*

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Please complete the highlighted {0} field below. Date format should be {0}. Dates must be between {0} and {1}. The date must be prior to {0}. The date must be {0} or after. Dates must be at least {0} days apart. Dates must be no more than {0} days apart. Dates must be no more than {0} days apart. Please choose a different destination from origin. We are only able to book between 1 and {0} travellers. Please adjust the number of travellers for your search. Please provide the ages of children below. You must be 13 or above to travel alone. Otherwise you must travel with someone 16 or above Children aged {0} or younger cannot travel alone. He or she must be accompanied by someone aged {1} or older. A child cannot travel alone. Your partial check-in and check-out dates must fall within your arrival and departure dates. Please review your dates. The drop-off date and time must occur at least two hours after the pick-up date and time. Make sure your pick-up time is {0} hours after the current time. Tell us where you're flying from for trip {0}. Tell us where you're flying to for trip {0}. Enter your date for trip {0} in this format: {1}. Tell us where you're flying from. Tell us where you're flying to. Enter your departure date in this format: {0}. Enter your return date in this format: {0}. The departing dates must occur after the previous departing date. Please correct the departing date(s). Please select origin from the options provided. Please select destination from the options provided. The number of railcards cannot exceed the number of travellers Please provide a rails card type. The returning date and time must occur after departure date and time. Please provide the ages of youth below. Please provide the ages of seniors below. Please provide the driver's age below. Driver’s age must be between 18 - 99. Some of your BahnCards cannot be used together. Select a station you are travelling from Select a station you are travelling to Select a valid departure date Select a valid returning date Tell us the age(s) of children travelling Tell us the age(s) of youth travelling Tell us the age(s) of seniors travelling Select a different destination station from origin station Enter between 1 and {0} travellers for this trip The departing flight must occur at least 2 hours after the arriving flight.

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