Search Standards
AHRI 110 (2016): Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigerating Equipment Nameplate Voltages

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of electrical voltage rating and operating limit requirements for air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment. It presents the basic relationships between standard nominal system voltages and utilization voltages.

Free Download: AHRI 110 (2016): Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigerating Equipment Nameplate Voltages

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 270 (2015): Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard establishes for the outdoor sections of air-conditioning and heat pump equipment of less than 135,000 Btuh, sound ratings in terms of a derived tone corrected A-weighted sound power level, in decibels.

Free Download: AHRI 270 (2015): Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment (with Addendum 1)

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 340/360 (2015): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory-made Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment as defined. This standard applies only to electrically operated, vapor compression refrigeration systems.

Free Download:
AHRI 340/360 (2015): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 410 (2001): Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils (with Addenda 1, 2 and 3)

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of testing and rating requirements for determining capacities, air side frictions, and tube side frictions of forced-circulation air-cooling and air-heating coils; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 410 (2001): Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils (with Addenda 1, 2 and 3)

© 2001, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 420 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Forced-circulation Free-delivery Unit Coolers for Refrigeration

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made, Forced-Circulation, Free-Delivery Unit Coolers operating with a Volatile Refrigerant fed by either direct expansion or liquid overfeed at wet and/or dry conditions.

Free Download: AHRI 420 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Forced-circulation Free-delivery Unit Coolers for Refrigeration

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 421 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Forced-circulation Free-delivery Unit Coolers for Refrigeration

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made, Forced-circulation, Free-delivery Unit Coolers operating with a Volatile Refrigerant fed by either direct expansion or liquid overfeed at wet and/or dry conditions.

Free Download: AHRI 421 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Forced-circulation Free-delivery Unit Coolers for Refrigeration

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 430 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Supply Fans (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard applies to a factory-made encased assembly consisting of a supply fan or fans in parallel which may also include other necessary equipment to perform one or more of the functions of circulating, cleaning, heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying and mixing of air and which does not contain a source of mechanical cooling. The CSAHU must have a maximum design external static pressure (ESP) greater than 1.0 inches [250 Pa]. This standard establishes the test requirements, rating requirements, and minimum data requirements for Fan Speed and Shaft Power.

Free Download: AHRI 430 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Supply Fans (with Addendum 1)

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 431 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Supply Fans (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard applies to a factory-made encased assembly consisting of a supply fan or fans in parallel which may also include other necessary equipment to perform one or more of the functions of circulating, cleaning, heating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying and mixing of air and which does not contain a source of mechanical cooling. The CSAHU must have a maximum design external static pressure (ESP) greater than 1.0 inches [250 Pa]. This standard establishes the test requirements, rating requirements, and minimum data requirements for Fan Speed and Shaft Power.

Free Download: AHRI 431 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Supply Fans (with Addendum 1)

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 450 (2007): Water-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers, Remote Type

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of testing and rating requirements for determining heat rejection and water pressure drop for remote type, water-cooled refrigerant condensers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 450 (2007): Water-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers, Remote Type

© 2007, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 480 (2007): Remote Type Refrigerant-Cooled Liquid Coolers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of net refrigerating capacity and liquid pressure drop for remote-type refrigerant-cooled liquid coolers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 480 (2007): Remote Type Refrigerant-Cooled Liquid Coolers

© 2007, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 545 (2017): Performance Rating of Modulating Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Modulating Compressors operating in subcritical applications including Discrete Modulating Compressors and Continuous Modulating Compressors. This standard also applies to the presentation of performance data for Modulating Compressors for air-cooled, evaporative-cooled or water-cooled air-conditioning, heat pump and refrigeration applications.

Free Download: AHRI 545 (2017): Performance Rating of Modulating Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors

© 2017, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 550/590 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of Water-chilling and Heat Pump Water-heating Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle (with Errata-May 2017)

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made vapor compression refrigeration Water-chilling and Water-heating Packages including one or more compressors. These Water-chilling and Water-heating Packages include: Water-cooled, Air-cooled, or Evaporatively-cooled Condensers; Water-cooled heat recovery condensers; Air-to-water heat pumps; and Water-to-water heat pumps with a capacity greater or equal to 135,000 Btu/h. Water-to-water heat pumps with a capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h are covered by the latest edition of ASHRAE/ANSI/AHRI/ISO Standard 13256. Note: This standard includes products that may not currently be covered under an AHRI certification program.

Free Downloads:
AHRI 550/590 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of Water-chilling and Heat Pump Water-heating Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle (with Errata-May 2017)
ANSI/AHRI Standard 550/590 (I-P)-2011 with Addendum 3
Presentation on the updates from 2011 version with Addendum 3 to 2015 version
Appendix G Pressure Drop Adjustments
Calibration Worksheet
ASHRAE 90.1 Kadj Calculation Tool Version 9

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 551/591 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of Water-chilling and Heat Pump Water-heating Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle (with Errata-May 2017)

Standard Scope:
This standard applies to factory-made vapor compression refrigeration Water-chilling and Water-heating Packages including one or more compressors. These Water-chilling and Water-heating Packages include: Water-cooled, Air-cooled, or Evaporatively-cooled Condensers; Water-cooled heat recovery condensers; Air-to-water heat pumps; and Water-to-water heat pumps with a capacity greater or equal to 135,000 Btu/h. Water-to-water heat pumps with a capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h are covered by the latest edition of ASHRAE/ANSI/AHRI/ISO Standard 13256. Note: This standard includes products that may not currently be covered under an AHRI certification program.

Free Downloads:
AHRI 551/591 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of Water-chilling and Heat Pump Water-heating Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle (with Errata-May 2017)
ANSI/AHRI Standard 551/591 (SI)-2011 with Addendum 3
Presentation on the updates from 2011 version with Addendum 3 to 2015 version
Appendix G Pressure Drop Adjustments
Calibration Worksheet
ASHRAE 90.1 Kadj Calculation Tool Version 9

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 560 (2000): Absorption Water Chilling and Water Heating Packages

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of testing and rating requirements for determining capacities, water pressure drops, integrated part load values (IPLV's) and application part load values (APLV's) for absorption water-chilling and water-heating packages; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product. This standard applies to single-effect steam and hot fluid operated water chilling units, double-effect steam and hot fluid operated water chilling units, and double-effect direct-fired (natural gas, oil, LP gas) water chilling/heating units. Also included are multiple-effect and multi-loop cycle absorption water chilling/heating units.

Free Download: AHRI 560 (2000): Absorption Water Chilling and Water Heating Packages

© 2000, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute


AHRI 700 (2017): Specifications for Refrigerants

Standard Scope
This standard specifies acceptable levels of contaminants (purity requirements) for fluorocarbon, hydrocarbon, and carbon dioxide refrigerants regardless of source and lists acceptable test methods. These refrigerants are as referenced in the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34 with Addenda:

Single-Component Fluorocarbon Refrigerants: R-11; R-12; R-13; R-22; R-23; R-32; R-113; R-114; R-115; R-116; R-123; R-124; R-125; R-134a; R-141b; R-142b; R-143a; R-152a; R-218; R-227ea; R-236fa; R-245fa; R-1233zd(E); R-1234yf; R-1234ze(E); and R-1336mzz(Z).

Single Component Hydrocarbon Refrigerants: R-50; R-170; R-E170; R-290; R-600; R-600a; R-601; R-601a; R-610; R-1150; and R-1270.

Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant: R-744.

Zeotropic Blend Refrigerants: R-401A; R-401B; R-402A; R-402B; R-403A; R-403B; R-404A; R-405A; R-406A; R-407A; R-407B; R-407C; R-407D; R-407E; R-407F; R-407G; R-408A; R-409A; R-409B; R-410A; R-410B; R-411A; R-411B; R-412A; R-413A; R-414A; R-414B; R-415A; R-415B; R-416A; R-417A; R-417B; R-417C; R-418A; R-419A; R-419B; R-420A; R-421A; R-421B; R-422A; R-422B; R-422C; R-422D; R-422E; R-423A; R-424A; R-425A; R-426A; R-427A; R-428A; R-429A; 430A; R-431A; R-434A; R-435A; R-437A; R-438A; R-439A; R-440A; R-442A; R-444A; R-444B; R-445A; R-446A; R-447A; R-447B; R-448A; R-449A; R-449B; R-449C; R-450A; R-451A; R-451B; R-452A; R-452B; R-452C; R-453A; R-454A; R-454B; R-454C; R-455A; R-456A; R-457A; R-458A; R-459A; R-459B; R-460A; and R-460B

Zeotropic Hydrocarbon Blend Refrigerants: R-432A; R-433A; R-433B; R-433C; R-436A; R-436B; R-441A; and R-443A.

Azeotropic Blend Refrigerants: R-500; R-502; R-503; R-507A; R-508A; R-508B; R-509A; R-510A; R-511A; R-512A; R-513A; R-513B; and R-515A.

Free Download: AHRI 700 (2017): Specifications for Refrigerants

© 2017, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 700C (2008): Appendix C to AHRI Standard 700-Analytical Procedures for AHRI Standard 700-2014

Standard Scope
This Appendix specifies the associated methods of testing for acceptability of fluorocarbon refrigerants regardless of source (new, reclaimed and/or repackaged) for use in new and existing refrigeration and air-conditioning products

Free Download: AHRI 700C (2008): Appendix C to AHRI Standard 700-Analytical Procedures for AHRI Standard 700-2014

© 2008, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 700D (2012): Appendix D Gas Chromatograms for AHRI Standard 700-2014-Informative

The purpose of this informative appendix is to provide figures for the gas chromatograms used with Appendix C, Analytical Procedures for AHRI Standard 700-2006-Normative.

Free Download: AHRI 700D (2012): Appendix D Gas Chromatograms for AHRI Standard 700-2014-Informative

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 740 (2016): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Recovery Equipment and Recovery/Recycling Equipment

Standard Scope

This standard applies to equipment for recovering and/or recycling non-flammable (safety Class I), as per ASHRAE Standard 34, single refrigerants, azeotropes, zeotropic blends, and their normal contaminants from refrigerant systems. This standard defines the test apparatus, test gas mixtures, sampling procedures and analytical techniques that will be used to determine the performance of refrigerant Recovery Equipment and Recovery/Recycling Equipment.

Free Download: AHRI 740 (2016): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Recovery Equipment and Recovery/Recycling Equipment

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 750 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves for use with refrigerants listed in 2.1.1 at evaporator temperatures between +50ºF [10ºC] and -40ºF [-40ºC].

Free Download: AHRI 750 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 751 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves for use with refrigerants listed in 2.1.1 at evaporator temperatures between +50ºF [10ºC] and -40ºF [-40ºC].

Free Download: AHRI 751 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 810 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Automatic Commercial Ice-makers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Automatic Commercial Ice-Makers as defined in Section 3.

Free Download: AHRI 810 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Automatic Commercial Ice-makers

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 811 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Automatic Commercial Ice-makers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Automatic Commercial Ice-Makers as defined in Section 3.

Free Download: AHRI 811 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Automatic Commercial Ice-makers

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 840 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of Unit Ventilators

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling and heating capacities, power input, efficiency, standard air flow, fluid flow, and pressure drop for unit ventilators; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 840 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of Unit Ventilators

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 841 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of Unit Ventilators

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling and heating capacities, power input, efficiency, standard air flow, fluid flow, and pressure drop for unit ventilators; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 841 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of Unit Ventilators

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 870 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Direct Geoexchange Heat Pumps

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling and heating capacities, EER, and COP for residential, commercial, and industrial direct geoexchange heat pumps; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 870 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Direct Geoexchange Heat Pumps

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 871 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Direct Geoexchange Heat Pumps

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling and heating capacities, EER, and COP for residential, commercial, and industrial direct geoexchange heat pumps; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: AHRI 871 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Direct Geoexchange Heat Pumps

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 885 (2008): Procedure for Estimating Occupied Space Sound Levels in the Application of Air Terminals and Air Outlets (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard provides a consistent industry-accepted method for estimating sound pressure levels in a conditioned space for the application of air terminals and air outlets. Air terminals, air outlets, and the low pressure ductwork which connects them are considered as sound sources and are the subject of this standard. The method described in this Standard can be used to identify acoustically critical paths in the system design. The design effects of inserting alternative components and changes in the system can be evaluated.

Free Downloads:
AHRI 885 (2008): Procedure for Estimating Occupied Space Sound Levels in the Application of Air Terminals and Air Outlets (with Addendum 1) and
Duct Discharge Calculation Spreadsheet for AHRI Standard 885-2008

© 2008, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 1240 (I-P/2017): Performance Rating of Active Chilled Beams

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Active Chilled Beams as defined in Section 3, including Multi-service Active Chilled Beams and Room Air Induction Units. This standard does not apply to Active Chilled Beams employing volatile-refrigerant coils, condensing coils, or steam coils as well as Passive Chilled Beams.

Free Download: AHRI 1240 (I-P/2017): Performance Rating of Active Chilled Beams

© 2017, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 1241 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Active Chilled Beams

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Active Chilled Beams as defined in Section 3, including Multi-service Active Chilled Beams and Room Air Induction Units. This standard does not apply to Active Chilled Beams employing volatile-refrigerant coils, condensing coils, or steam coils as well as Passive Chilled Beams.

Free Download: AHRI 1241 (SI/2017): Performance Rating of Active Chilled Beams

© 2017, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 1260 (I-P/2017): Performance Rating of Portable Flue Gas Combustion Analyzers

Standard Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for performance rating of portable flue combustion analyzers measuring specific combustion flue gas products of heating appliances for residential and light commercial applications using fuels including at minimum natural gas, propane, light and heavy fuel oil.

Free Download: AHRI 1260 (I-P/2017): Performance Rating of Portable Flue Gas Combustion Analyzers

© 2017, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

AHRI 1261 (SI/2017): Performance Rating of Portable Flue Gas Combustion Analyzers

Standard Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for performance rating of portable flue combustion analyzers measuring specific combustion flue gas products of heating appliances for residential and light commercial applications using fuels including at minimum natural gas, propane, light and heavy fuel oil.

Free Download: AHRI 1261 (SI/2017): Performance Rating of Portable Flue Gas Combustion Analyzers

© 2017, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 210/240 (2008): Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning & Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment (with Addenda 1 and 2)

Standard Scope

The purpose of this standard is to establish, for Unitary Air-Conditioners and Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps: definitions; classifications; test requirements; rating requirements; minimum data requirements for Published Ratings; operating requirements; marking and nameplate data; and conformance conditions.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 210/240 (2008): Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning & Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment (with Addenda 1 and 2)

© 2008, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 220 (2014): Reverberation Room Qualification and Testing Procedures for Determining Sound Power of HVAC Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard provides the methodology for the determination of Sound Power Levels of noise sources that emit Broadband Sound and/or Discrete Frequency Sounds/Tones in reverberation rooms.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 220 (2014): Reverberation Room Qualification and Testing Procedures for Determining Sound Power of HVAC Equipment

©2014 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 230 (2013): Sound Intensity Testing Procedures for Determining Sound Power of HVAC Equipment

Standard Scope

The purpose of this standard is to provide the methodology for the determination of Sound Power Levels of noise sources using the sound intensity method.  The standard contains information on instrumentation, installation and operation of the source and procedures for the calculation of Sound Power Level.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 230 (2013): Sound Intensity Testing Procedures for Determining Sound Power of HVAC Equipment

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 250 (2013): Performance and Calibration of Reference Sound Sources (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard applies to all Reference Sound Sources used in conjunction with ARI sound rating standards and covers the one-third octave band frequency range from 50 to 10,000 Hz. This standard also includes calibration over a limited frequency range. Multiple Reference Sound Sources may be used to cover the entire frequency range from 50 to 10,000 Hz. 

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 250 (2013): Performance and Calibration of Reference Sound Sources (with Addendum 1)

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 260 (I-P/2012): Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Ducted Equipment and specifies the methods for the determination of the sound power rating of the indoor sections of factory-made residential, commercial and industrial air-conditioning and Heat Pump equipment, which are electrically driven, with mechanical compression and containing fans, using mapped sound data for rating the various product Sound Components.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 260 (I-P/2012): Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 261 (SI/2012): Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Ducted Equipment and specifies the methods for the determination of the sound power rating of the indoor sections of factory-made residential, commercial and industrial air-conditioning and Heat Pump equipment, which are electrically driven, with mechanical compression and containing fans, using mapped sound data for rating the various product Sound Components.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 261 (SI/2012): Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 275 (2010): Application of Sound Rating Levels of Outdoor Unitary Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the outdoor sections of factory made air-conditioning and heat pump equipment with cooling capacities up to 40kW, as shown in the scope of AHRI Standards 210/240 and 340/360 when rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 270.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 275 (2010): Application of Sound Rating Levels of Outdoor Unitary Equipment

© 2010, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 280 (2011): Requirements for the Qualification of Reverberation Rooms in the 63Hz Octave Band

Standard Scope
This standard applies to products rated in the 63 Hz Octave Band (50, 63 and 80 Hz One-Third Octave Bands) where the sound power is determined from measurements made in a reverberation room by using the comparison method as specified per ANSI Standard S12.51/ISO: 3741.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 280 (2011): Requirements for the Qualification of Reverberation Rooms in the 63Hz Octave Band

© 2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 300 (2015): Sound Rating and Sound Transmission Loss of Packaged Terminal Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a method of sound rating both the indoor and outdoor portions of packaged terminal equipment in terms of octave band sound power levels, tone adjusted A-weighted sound power rating levels, and A-weighted sound power levels. Additionally, this standard establishes a method for determining single number sound transmission loss ratings for packaged terminal equipment.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 300 (2015): Sound Rating and Sound Transmission Loss of Packaged Terminal Equipment

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 340/360 (2007): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment (with Addenda 1 and 2)

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory-made Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment as defined. This standard applies only to electrically operated, vapor compression refrigeration systems.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 340/360 (2007): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment (with Addenda 1 and 2)

© 2007, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 350 (2015): Sound Rating of Non-ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a method of sound rating the indoor portions of non-ducted air-conditioning equipment in terms of octave band sound power levels, tone-adjusted A-weighted sound power levels, and A-weighted sound power levels. The standard applies to the indoor portions of non-ducted unitary equipment, packaged terminal equipment, and room fan-coil air-conditioners.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 350 (2015): Sound Rating of Non-ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning Equipment

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 365 (I-P/2009): Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning Condensing Units

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory-made Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning Condensing Units greater than or equal to 135,000 Btu/h as defined in Section 3. 2.1.1 Energy Source. This standard applies only to electrically-driven, mechanical compression-type condensing units.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 365 (I-P/2009): Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning Condensing Units

Copyright 2009, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 366 (SI/2009): Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning Condensing Units

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning Condensing Units greater than or equal to 40.0 kW as defined in Section 3. 2.1.1 Energy Source. This standard applies only to electrically-driven, mechanical compression-type condensing units.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 366 (SI/2009): Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-Conditioning Condensing Units

© 2009, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 370 (2015): Sound Performance Rating of Large Air-cooled Outdoor Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope

This standard applies to the outdoor portions of factory-made commercial and industrial Large Outdoor Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment, including heat pumps, used for refrigerating or air-conditioning of spaces, as defined in Section 3 of this standard.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 370 (2015): Sound Performance Rating of Large Air-cooled Outdoor Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment (with Addendum 1)

© 2015 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 390 (2003): Performance Rating of Single Package Vertical Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-assembled commercial or industrial Single Package Vertical Air-Conditioner and Heat Pump equipment as defined.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 390 (2003): Performance Rating of Single Package Vertical Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps

© 2003, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 400 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes definitions, test requirements, minimum data requirements for Published Ratings, marking and nameplate data, and conformance conditions for liquid to liquid heat exchangers.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 400 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 401 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes definitions, test requirements, minimum data requirements for Published Ratings, marking and nameplate data, and conformance conditions for liquid to liquid heat exchangers.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 401 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 440 (2008): Performance Rating of Room Fan-Coils (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirement for the testing and rating of total cooling capacity, sensible cooling capacity, and power input for room fan-coil air-conditioners and unit ventilators; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 440 (2008): Performance Rating of Room Fan-Coils (with Addendum 1)

© 2008, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 460 (2005): Performance Rating of Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to remote mechanical-draft air-cooled refrigerant condensers as defined in Section 3 for use with or without external air resistance.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 460 (2005): Performance Rating of Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers

© 2005, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 470 (2006): Performance Rating of Desuperheater/Water Heaters

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Desuperheater/Water Heaters supplied as separate components, as defined in Section 3 and using single component and azeotropic refrigerants only.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 470 (2006): Performance Rating of Desuperheater/Water Heaters

© 2006, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 490 (I-P/2011): Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of total heat rejection effect and fan or pump motor rated shaft output power for remote mechanical-draft evaporative refrigerant condensers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 490 (I-P/2011): Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers

©2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 491 (SI/2011): Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of total heat rejection effect and fan or pump motor rated shaft output power for remote mechanical-draft evaporative refrigerant condensers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 491 (SI/2011): Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers

©2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 495 (2005): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Liquid Receivers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of storage capacity for refrigerant liquid receivers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 495 (2005): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Liquid Receivers

© 2005, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 510 (2006): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Ammonia Compressors and Compressor Units

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Positive Displacement Ammonia Compressors (Ammonia Compressors) and Compressor Units (Ammonia Compressor Units) for use in commercial and industrial refrigeration applications.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 510 (2006): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Ammonia Compressors and Compressor Units

© 2006, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 520 (2004): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Condensing Units

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of testing and rating requirements for determining capacity, power input, and EER for positive displacement condensing units for refrigeration applications; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 520 (2004): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Condensing Units

© 2004, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 530 (2011): Rating of Sound and Vibration for Refrigerant Compressors

Standard Scope
This standard applies to External-drive, Hermetic and Semi-Hermetic Refrigerant Compressors. In the case of External-drive Refrigerant Compressors, the driving mechanism shall be excluded from the sound and vibration measurements. However, for Semi-Hermetic Refrigerant Compressors where the driving mechanism is an integral part of the compressor assembly as defined in Section 3, it shall be included in the measurements.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 530 (2011): Rating of Sound and Vibration for Refrigerant Compressors

© 2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 570 (I-P/2012): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units

Standard Scope
This standard applies to electric motor driven, single and variable capacity, single and two stage Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units operating with carbon dioxide in both subcritical and transcritical applications for refrigeration. This standard also applies to the presentation of performance data for Positive Displacement Compressor and Compressor Units operating with carbon dioxide.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 570 (I-P/2012): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute


ANSI/AHRI 571 (SI/2012): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units

Standard Scope
This standard applies to electric motor driven, single and variable capacity, single and two stage Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units operating with carbon dioxide in both subcritical and transcritical applications for refrigeration. This standard also applies to the presentation of performance data for Positive Displacement Compressor and Compressor Units operating with carbon dioxide.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 571 (SI/2012): Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute


ANSI/AHRI 575 (2008): Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Within an Equipment Space

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a uniform method of measuring and recording the sound pressure level of machinery installed in a mechanical equipment space. The standard applies to water chilling systems, pumps and similar operating machines and parts thereof, which for reasons of size, or operating characteristics are more practically evaluated in situ. It is not the intent of the standard to be used for the sound rating of equipment.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 575 (2008): Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Within an Equipment Space

© 2009, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 580 (2014): Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment for Use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to non-condensable gas Purge Equipment for use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers as defined in Section 3. This standard defines general equipment requirements, test methods and analysis techniques used to determine the performance rating for Purge Equipment that remove Non-Condensable Gases from Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers. This Purge Equipment is typically used in conjunction with chillers which operate with at least a portion of the system below atmospheric pressure.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 580 (2014): Non-condensable Gas Purge Equipment for Use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Liquid Chillers

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 610 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Central System Humidifiers for Residential Applications

Standard Scope
This standard applies to electrically operated Central System Humidifiers that depend on the air stream of a central air system for moisture evaporation and distribution. Central System Humidifiers are intended for installation in central air systems. This standard does not apply to self-contained humidifiers, portable humidifiers, and humidifiers for commercial and industrial applications.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 610 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Central System Humidifiers for Residential Applications

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 611 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Central System Humidifiers for Residential Applications

Standard Scope
This standard applies to electrically operated Central System Humidifiers that depend on the air stream of a central air system for moisture evaporation and distribution. Central System Humidifiers are intended for installation in central air systems. This standard does not apply to self-contained humidifiers, portable humidifiers, and humidifiers for commercial and industrial applications.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 611 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Central System Humidifiers for Residential Applications

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 620 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Self-contained Humidifiers for Residential Applications

Standard Scope

This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of humidification capacity, power input, and energy input of supplementary heat (where used) for self-contained humidifiers for residential applications. Self-contained humidifiers are defined as humidifiers intended to be installed with a water make-up line and/or drain and electrical services mdash; it may or may not be installed within the humidified space.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 620 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Self-contained Humidifiers for Residential Applications

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 621 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Self-contained Humidifiers for Residential Applications

Standard Scope

This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of humidification capacity, power input, and energy input of supplementary heat (where used) for self-contained humidifiers for residential applications. Self-contained humidifiers are defined as humidifiers intended to be installed with a water make-up line and/or drain and electrical services mdash; it may or may not be installed within the humidified space.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 621 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Self-contained Humidifiers for Residential Applications

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 640 (2005): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Humidifiers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of humidification capacity, power input, and energy input of supplementary heat (where used) for humidifiers used in commercial and industrial applications. Devices of the following types are included: atomizing, electric resistance steam generators, electrode steam generators, heat exchangers, infrared, steam injection, and wetted media.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 640 (2005): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Humidifiers

© 2005, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 680 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating Residential Air Filter Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Air Filter Equipment and Air Filter Media, as used in such equipment, for removing particulate matter, when used in environmental conditioning of inhabited spaces in residential facilities.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 680 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating Residential Air Filter Equipment

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 681 (SI/2015): Performance Rating Residential Air Filter Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Air Filter Equipment and Air Filter Media, as used in such equipment, for removing particulate matter, when used in environmental conditioning of inhabited spaces in residential facilities.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 681 (SI/2015): Performance Rating Residential Air Filter Equipment

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 710 (I-P/2009): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Driers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of water capacity and refrigerant flow capacity for driers to be used in the liquid lines of refrigerating and air-conditioning systems; whereby, equipment performance can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 710 (I-P/2009): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Driers

© 2009, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 711 (SI/2009): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Driers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of water capacity and refrigerant flow capacity for driers to be used in the liquid lines of refrigerating and air-conditioning systems; whereby, equipment performance can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 711 (SI/2009): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Driers

© 2009, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 715 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Filters

Standard Scope
This standard applies to hermetic Liquid Line Filters designed for use in the liquid line of all types of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems employing the following refrigerants: R-22, R-134a, R-290, R-404A, R-407A, R-407C, R-410A, R-507A, R-600a, and R-744 as defined in ANSI/ASHRAE 34 with Addenda. This standard provides a means of determining the Overall Filter Efficiency and Contaminant Capacity of a Liquid Line Filter at specified conditions.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 715 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Filters

© 2014, by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 716 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Filters

Standard Scope
This standard applies to hermetic Liquid Line Filters designed for use in the liquid line of all types of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems employing the following refrigerants: R-22, R-134a, R-290, R-404A, R-407A, R-407C, R-410A, R-507A, R-600a, and R-744 as defined in ANSI/ASHRAE 34 with Addenda. This standard provides a means of determining the Overall Filter Efficiency and Contaminant Capacity of a Liquid Line Filter at specified conditions.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 716 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Liquid-Line Filters

© 2014, by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 730 (I-P/2013): Flow Capacity Rating of Suction-Line Filters and Suction-Line Filter-Driers

Standard Scope

This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of ARI standard capacity rating and refrigerant flow rate for refrigerant suction-line filters and filter-driers; whereby, equipment performance can be compared from product to product. The standard covers suction-line filters and suction-line filter-driers in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 730 (I-P/2013): Flow Capacity Rating of Suction-Line Filters and Suction-Line Filter-Driers

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 731 (SI/2013): Flow Capacity Rating of Suction-Line Filters and Suction-Line Filter-Driers

Standard Scope

This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of ARI standard capacity rating and refrigerant flow rate for refrigerant suction-line filters and filter-driers; whereby, equipment performance can be compared from product to product. The standard covers suction-line filters and suction-line filter-driers in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 731 (SI/2013): Flow Capacity Rating of Suction-Line Filters and Suction-Line Filter-Driers

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 760 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Solenoid Valves for Use with Volatile Refrigerants

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Solenoid Valves for use with Volatile Refrigerants as defined in Section 3.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 760 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Solenoid Valves for Use with Volatile Refrigerants

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 761 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Solenoid Valves for Use with Volatile Refrigerants

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Solenoid Valves for use with Volatile Refrigerants as defined in Section 3.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 761 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Solenoid Valves for Use with Volatile Refrigerants

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 770 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Pressure Regulating Valves

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of capacity for refrigerant pressure regulating valves for use with refrigerants R-12, R-22, R-134a, R-502, R-404A, and R-717. The standard applies to refrigerant pressure regulating valves controlling volatile refrigerant flow whose primary response is to pressure.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 770 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Pressure Regulating Valves

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 771 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Pressure Regulating Valves

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of capacity for refrigerant pressure regulating valves for use with refrigerants R-12, R-22, R-134a, R-502, R-404A, and R-717. The standard applies to refrigerant pressure regulating valves controlling volatile refrigerant flow whose primary response is to pressure.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 771 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Refrigerant Pressure Regulating Valves

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 820 (I-P/2012): Performance Rating of Ice Storage Bins

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of capacity and efficiency for ice storage bins; whereby, storage bin performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 820 (I-P/2012): Performance Rating of Ice Storage Bins

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 821 (SI/2012): Performance Rating of Ice Storage Bins

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of capacity and efficiency for ice storage bins; whereby, storage bin performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 821 (SI/2012): Performance Rating of Ice Storage Bins

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 850 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Air Filter Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Air Filter Equipment and Air Filter Media as used in such equipment, for removing particulate matter, when used in environmental conditioning of inhabited spaces in commercial and industrial facilities.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 850 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Air Filter Equipment

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 851 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Air Filter Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made Air Filter Equipment and Air Filter Media as used in such equipment, for removing particulate matter, when used in environmental conditioning of inhabited spaces in commercial and industrial facilities.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 851 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Air Filter Equipment

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 880 (I-P/2011): Performance Rating of Air Terminals (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
The purpose of this standard is to establish for Air Terminals: definitions; classifications; test requirements;rating requirements; minimum data requirements for Published Ratings; marking and nameplate data; and conformance conditions. This standard applies to air control devices used in air distribution systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 880 (I-P/2011): Performance Rating of Air Terminals (with Addendum 1)

© 2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 881 (SI/2011): Performance Rating of Air Terminals

Standard Scope
The purpose of this standard is to establish for Air Terminals: definitions; classifications; test requirements; rating requirements; minimum data requirements for Published Ratings; marking and nameplate data; and conformance conditions. This standard applies to air control devices used in air distribution systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI  881 (SI/2011): Performance Rating of Air Terminals

©2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 900 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Thermal Storage Equipment Used for Cooling

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Thermal Storage Equipment used for cooling which may be charged and discharged with any of a variety of heat transfer fluids. The equipment, as further described in Sections 3 and 4, may be fully factory assembled; assembled on site from factory supplied components; or field erected in accordance with pre-established design criteria.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI  900 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Thermal Storage Equipment Used for Cooling

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 901 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Thermal Storage Equipment Used for Cooling

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Thermal Storage Equipment used for cooling which may be charged and discharged with any of a variety of heat transfer fluids. The equipment, as further described in Sections 3 and 4, may be fully factory assembled; assembled on site from factory supplied components; or field erected in accordance with pre-established design criteria.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 901 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Thermal Storage Equipment Used for Cooling

Copyright 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 910 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of moisture removal capacity and moisture removal efficiency of indoor pool dehumidifiers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product. The standard also requires design of the product so as to meet the requirements of a maximum operating conditions test and an insulation efficiency test.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 910 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 911 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of moisture removal capacity and moisture removal efficiency of indoor pool dehumidifiers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product. The standard also requires design of the product so as to meet the requirements of a maximum operating conditions test and an insulation efficiency test.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 911 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 920 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory-assembled commercial or industrial DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 920 (I-P/2015): Performance Rating of DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 921 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory-assembled commercial or industrial DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 921 (SI/2015): Performance Rating of DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1060 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Air-to-Air Exchangers for Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of air flow rate, sensible, latent, and total effectiveness, and pressure drop of air-to-air energy recovery ventilation equipment; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1060 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Air-to-Air Exchangers for Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1061 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Air-to-Air Exchangers for Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of air flow rate, sensible, latent, and total effectiveness, and pressure drop of air-to-air energy recovery ventilation equipment; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1061 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Air-to-Air Exchangers for Energy Recovery Ventilation Equipment

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1110 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Mechanical Transport Refrigeration Units

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling capacities and electric standby cooling capacities for mechanical transport refrigeration units employing forced-circulation air-coolers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 1110 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Mechanical Transport Refrigeration Units

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1111 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Mechanical Transport Refrigeration Units

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling capacities and electric standby cooling capacities for mechanical transport refrigeration units employing forced-circulation air-coolers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 1111 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Mechanical Transport Refrigeration Units

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1120 (2012): Acoustical Test Methods and Sound Power Rating Procedures for Transport Refrigeration Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made transport refrigeration equipment.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1120 (2012): Acoustical Test Methods and Sound Power Rating Procedures for Transport Refrigeration Equipment

© 2012 Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1140 (2012): Sound Quality Evaluation Procedures For Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment

Standard Scope
This standard applies to factory-made, residential and commercial air conditioning as well as transport refrigeration equipment.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1140 (2012): Sound Quality Evaluation Procedures For Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment
AHRI Standard 1140 - Appendix F SNDQL

© 2012, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1160 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Heat Pump Pool Heaters (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope

This standard establishes definitions, classifications, test requirements, rating requirements, minimum data requirements for Published ratings, operating requirements, marking and nameplate data, and conformance conditions for heat pump pool heaters.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1160 (I-P/2014): Performance Rating of Heat Pump Pool Heaters (with Addendum 1)

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1161 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Heat Pump Pool Heaters

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling capacities and electric standby cooling capacities for mechanical transport refrigeration units employing forced-circulation air-coolers; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 1161 (SI/2014): Performance Rating of Heat Pump Pool Heaters

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1200 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the following manufacturers’ standard catalog Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets, provided that the cases are equipped and designed to work with electrically driven, direct expansion type systems:

  1. Self-contained and Remote Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets
  2. Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers

Free Downloads:

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1201 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the following manufacturers’ standard catalog Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets, provided that the cases are equipped and designed to work with electrically driven, direct expansion type systems:

  1. Self-contained and Remote Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets
  2. Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers

Free Downloads:

© 2013, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1210 (I-P/2011): Performance Rating of Variable Frequency Drives (with Addenda 1 and 2)

Standard Scope:
This standard applies, within the heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) context, to VFDs used in the control of asynchronous induction motors. The range includes all those found within a building including: low voltage (= 600 V) and drives that are stand alone, not mechanically integrated into motors.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1210 (I-P/2011): Performance Rating of Variable Frequency Drives (with Addenda 1 and 2)

©2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute


ANSI/AHRI 1211 (SI/2011): Performance Rating of Variable Frequency Drives (with Addenda 1 and 2)

Standard Scope:
This standard applies, within the heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) context, to VFDs used in the control of asynchronous induction motors. The range includes all those found within a building including: low voltage (= 600 V) and drives that are stand alone, not mechanically integrated into motors.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1211 (SI/2011): Performance Rating of Variable Frequency Drives (with Addenda 1 and 2)

©2011, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1230 (2010): Performance Rating of Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Multi-Split Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment (with Addenda 1 and 2)

Standard Scope
This standard covers matched variable refrigerant flow Multi-Split Air Conditioners and Multi-Split Heat Pumps using distributed refrigerant technology with cooling and heating capacities for outdoor units from 12,000 Btu/h [3508 W] to 300,000 Btu/h [90,000 W] and indoor units from 5,000 Btu/h [1,000W] to 60,000 Btu/h [20,000 W]. Each indoor unit is designed to condition a single zone.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 1230 (2010): Performance Rating of Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Multi-Split Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment (with Addenda 1 and 2))

© 2010, by Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1250 (I-P/2014): with Errata: Performance Rating of Walk-in Coolers and Freezers

Standard Scope

This standard applies to mechanical refrigeration equipment consisting of an integrated single package refrigeration unit, or separate Unit Cooler and condensing unit sections, where the condensing section can be located either outdoor or indoor. Controls may be integral, or can be provided by a separate party as long as performance is tested and certified with the listed mechanical equipment accordingly.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1250 (I-P/2014): with Errata: Performance Rating of Walk-in Coolers and Freezers

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1251 (SI/2014): with Errata: Performance Rating of Walk-in Coolers and Freezers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to mechanical refrigeration equipment consisting of an integrated single package refrigeration unit, or separate Unit Cooler and condensing unit sections, where the condensing section can be located either outdoor or indoor. Controls may be integral, or can be provided by a separate party as long as performance is tested and certified with the listed mechanical equipment accordingly.

Free Download:
ANSI/AHRI 1251 (SI/2014): with Errata: Performance Rating of Walk-in Coolers and Freezers

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1270 (I-P/2015): Requirements for Seismic Qualification of HVACR Equipment

Standard Scope

This standard describes the methods for equipment qualification and the process to determine equipment Seismic Capacity.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1270 (I-P/2015): Requirements for Seismic Qualification of HVACR Equipment

©2015 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1271 (SI/2015): Requirements for Seismic Qualification of HVACR Equipment

Standard Scope

This standard describes the methods for equipment qualification and the process to determine equipment Seismic Capacity.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1271 (SI/2015): Requirements for Seismic Qualification of HVACR Equipment

©2015 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1280 (2014): Sound Power Rating of Water-cooled Chillers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to commercial and industrial Water-cooled Chillers used for refrigerating or air-conditioning of spaces, as defined in Section 3 of this standard and covered by ANSI/AHRI Standards 550/590 (I-P) and 551/591 (SI), Performance Rating of Water Chilling Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle. This standard establishes methods for determining the sound power ratings of commercial and industrial Water-cooled Chillers.

Free Downloads:
ANSI/AHRI 1280 (2014): Sound Power Rating of Water-cooled Chillers
AHRI Standard 1280 Whitepaper

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1300 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory assembled Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters (CHPWH) defined as equipment to provide potable or service hot water using alternate sources of energy as air, water and ground (geothermal) by means of electrically driven, mechanical  vapor compression refrigerant systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1300 (I-P/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters

©2013 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1301 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters

Standard Scope

This standard applies to factory assembled Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters (CHPWH) defined as equipment to provide potable or service hot water using alternate sources of energy as air, water and ground (geothermal) by means of electrically driven, mechanical  vapor compression refrigerant systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1301 (SI/2013): Performance Rating of Commercial Heat Pump Water Heaters

©2013 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1320 (I-P/2011): Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets for Use With Secondary Refrigerants

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the following Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets, provided that the cases are equipped and designed to work with electrically driven, medium-temperature, single-phase secondary coolant systems: Remote Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets as well as Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1320 (I-P/2011): Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets for Use With Secondary Refrigerants

©2011 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1321 (SI/2011): Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets for Use With Secondary Refrigerants

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the following Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets, provided that the cases are equipped and designed to work with electrically driven, medium-temperature, single-phase secondary coolant systems: Remote Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets as well as Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1321 (SI/2011): Performance Rating of Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers and Storage Cabinets for Use With Secondary Refrigerants

©2011 Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1350 (I-P/2014): Mechanical Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Casings (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the enclosure which houses the fans, coils, filters, and other components of the Central Station Air-handling Unit (CSAHU). This standard establishes the test requirements, rating requirements, and minimum data requirements for Casing Deflection Rating Class, Casing Air Leakage Class, Thermal Transmittance Class with Leakage, Thermal Transmittance Class without Leakage, and Thermal Bridging Class.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1350 (I-P/2014): Mechanical Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Casings (with Addendum 1)

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1351 (SI/2014): Mechanical Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Casings (with Addendum 1)

Standard Scope
This standard applies to the enclosure which houses the fans, coils, filters, and other components of the Central Station Air-handling Unit (CSAHU). This standard establishes the test requirements, rating requirements, and minimum data requirements for Casing Deflection Rating Class, Casing Air Leakage Class, Thermal Transmittance Class with Leakage, Thermal Transmittance Class without Leakage, and Thermal Bridging Class.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1351 (SI/2014): Mechanical Performance Rating of Central Station Air-handling Unit Casings (with Addendum 1)

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1360 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Computer and Data Processing Room Air Conditioners

Standard Scope
This standard applies to floor mounted Computer and Data Processing Room Air Conditioners (CDPR) which have three types: up-flow air discharge, down-flow air discharge and horizontal free air discharge.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1360 (I-P/2016): Performance Rating of Computer and Data Processing Room Air Conditioners

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1361 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Computer and Data Processing Room Air Conditioners

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of humidification capacity, air pressure drop, and energy consumption and energy efficiency (where used) for central system humidifiers used in residential applications. Central system humidifiers are defined as humidifiers intended to be installed on ducted residential heating/cooling central systems.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1361 (SI/2016): Performance Rating of Computer and Data Processing Room Air Conditioners

© 2016, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI 1500 (2015): Performance Rating of Commercial Space Heating Boilers

Standard Scope
This standard applies to gas and oil-fired steam and hot water Packaged Boilers, as defined in Section 3, that have an Input Rating equal to or greater than 300,000 Btu/h, that are:

A steam boiler designed to operate at or below a steam pressure of 15 psig; or

A hot water boiler designed to operate at or below a water pressure of 160 psig and a temperature of 250 °F; or

A boiler that is designed to be capable of supplying either steam or hot water, and designed to operate under the conditions in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of this scope.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI 1500 (2015): Performance Rating of Commercial Space Heating Boilers

©2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

ANSI/AHRI/CSA 310/380 (2014): Standard for Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps (CSA-C744-14)

Standard Scope
This standard establishes a single set of requirements for the testing and rating of cooling and heating capacities and energy efficiency ratios (EER for cooling an COP for heating) for factory-assembled packaged terminal air-conditioners (PTAC's) and packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHP's) used in residential, commercial, and industrial systems; whereby, equipment performance ratings can be compared from product to product. Excluded are room air-conditioners.

Free Download: ANSI/AHRI/CSA 310/380 (2014): Standard for Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps (CSA-C744-14)

© 2014, by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute

ASHRAE/ANSI/AHRI/ISO Standard 13256-1&2: 2012

The standards listed below may be ordered online through the ASHRAE bookstore.

  • ANSI/AHRI/ASHRAE/ISO Standard 13256-1 Water-to-Air and Brine-to-Air Heat Pumps — Testing and Rating for Performance
  • ANSI/AHRI/ASHRAE/ISO Standard 13256-2 Water-to-Water and Brine-to-Water Heat Pumps — Testing and Rating for Performance


ASHRAE's Standard 90.1: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

Standard Scope
AHRI closely follows ASHRAE's Standard 90.1:  Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Standard 90.1 provides minimum requirements for the design of energy efficient buildings. The first edition of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 was published in 1975 and revisions were approved in 1980, 1989, 1999. Since 1999, the standard has been updated every three years. The 90.1 standard is referenced in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as well as in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code. In addition, states are required, under the energy policy act (EPACT) of 1992, to adopt a building energy code as or more stringent than ASHRAE 90.1.

AHRI monitors the status of ASHRAE 90.1 activity throughout all states. Most states adopt ASHRAE 90.1 or the International Energy Conservation Code as their building energy code. However, few states have no energy codes.

For information on ASHRAE Standard 90.1, visit ASHRAE's Web site at or call them at 1-800-527-4723.

Free Download: ASHRAE Standard 90.1


Baseboard Radiation Testing and Rating Standard

Free Download: Baseboard Radiation Testing and Rating Standard

NOTE: This is a large file. Download may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed.


CAN/ANSI/AHRI 540: (E/2015) Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units

Standard Scope
This standard applies to positive displacement refrigerant Compressors operating in subcritical applications at a fixed displacement. This standard also applies to the presentation of performance data for Compressors for air-cooled, evaporative-cooled or water-cooled air-conditioning, heat pump and refrigeration applications.

Free Download: CAN/ANSI/AHRI 540: (E/2015) Performance Rating of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

CAN/ANSI/AHRI 540: (F/2015) Détermination des Caractéristiques de Performance des Motocompresseurs et des Compresseurs Frigorifiques Volumétriques

Domaine d’Application
La présente norme s’applique aux compresseurs frigorifiques volumétriques qui fonctionnent dans des applications subcritiques à une cylindrée constante. Elle s’applique aussi à la présentation des données de performance des compresseurs destinés aux climatiseurs de refroidissement par air, évaporation ou eau, aux thermopompes et aux systèmes de réfrigération.

Free Download: CAN/ANSI/AHRI 540: (F/2015) Détermination des Caractéristiques de Performance des Motocompresseurs et des Compresseurs Frigorifiques Volumétriques

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

CAN/ANSI/AHRI 1330: (E) Performance Rating for Radiant Output of Gas Fired Infrared Heaters

Standard Scope
This standard applies to Infrared Heaters that are Gas-Fired High-Intensity Infrared Heaters and Gas-Fired Low-Intensity Infrared Heaters with inputs up to and including 117.5 kW per burner intended for installation in and heating of outdoor or indoor spaces.

Free Download: CAN/ANSI/AHRI 1330: (E) Performance Rating for Radiant Output of Gas Fired Infrared Heaters

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

CAN/ANSI/AHRI 1330: (F) Détermination des Caractéristiques de Performance Relatives à la Puissance Rayonnée des Appareils de Chauffage à Infrarouges au Gaz

Dmaine d'Application
La présente norme s’applique aux appareils de chauffage à infrarouges haute intensité ou faible intensité au gaz qui consomment au plus 117.5 kW d’énergie par brûleur et qui sont destinés à être installés dans des lieux extérieurs ou intérieurs afin de les chauffer.

Free Download: CAN/ANSI/AHRI 1330: (F) Détermination des Caractéristiques de Performance Relatives à la Puissance Rayonnée des Appareils de Chauffage à Infrarouges au Gaz

© 2015, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

Finned Tube (Commercial) Testing and Rating Standard

Free Download: Finned Tube (Commercial) Testing and Rating Standard

NOTE: This is a large file. Download may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed.


Indirect-Fired Water Heater Testing Standard