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Wood Carport Builders in Detroit, MI

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Build a Traditional Wood Carport in Detroit

Prescreened Wood Carport Builders in Detroit, MI

Frank Woody
1 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(734) 991-8867
4715 Hegel Road
Goodrich, MI 48438

Serving Detroit, MI
Cherry Carpentry
2 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(586) 291-2647
38560 Long
Harrison Township, MI 48045

Serving Detroit, MI
P & B Finishers, Inc.
References Available
(586) 254-7969
12955 Twenty - Two Mile Road
Shelby Township, MI 48315

Serving Detroit, MI

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Unscreened Garage & Garage Door Services in Detroit, Michigan

Crawford Door Systems
18095 Sherwood St
Detroit, MI 48234

Things to Consider Before You Build a Traditional Wood Carport in Detroit, Michigan:

  • Where do you want the carport installed?
  • What size carport do you want?
  • What features do you want? (Check all that apply)

    Designed to match house/building
    Roof on posts
    Enclosed side(s)
    Traditional stud wall construction
    Prefabricated panel construction
    Electric lights
    Concrete slab floor
    Asphalt floor
    Gravel floor

Ideas & Inspiration from Detroit Garage & Garage Door Services