Department of Energy

Science & Innovation

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As a science agency, the Energy Department plays an important role in the innovation economy. The Department catalyzes the transformative growth of basic applied scientific research, the discovery and development of new clean energy technologies and prioritizes scientific innovation as a cornerstone of US economic prosperity.

Through initiatives like the Loan Guarantee Program and the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy, the Department funds cutting-edge research and the deployment of innovative clean energy technologies. The Department also encourages collaboration and cooperation between industry, academia and government to create a vibrant scientific ecosystem.

In addition, the Energy Department's 17 National Labs are a system of intellectual assets unique among world scientific institutions and serve as regional engines of economic growth for states and communities across the country.

National Labs

The Building Technologies Office works closely with the DOE-funded national labs to develop and demonstrate energy-efficient technologies. The...

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The Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) funds game-changing energy technologies that are typically too early for...

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Office of Science User Facilities
Office of Science User Facilities
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Quadrennial Technology Review 2015

Overview of 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review

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