Ready to Begin Your Career As A Freelance Developer? 3 Tips For Getting Started

There has never been a more promising and profitable time to be a developer. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of software developers will grow an impressive 17% by 2024. Compare that with a 7% average growth rate across all occupations (and consider that the $102,280 median wage among developers nearly triples the median for all occupations), and it’s clear skilled coders are in increasingly high demand.

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Companies Hiring Remote Developers Right Now

Remote work is all over the news right now. IBM’s pulling a Yahoo and forcing all their remote employees to plant themselves in offices or find new jobs. Apple is building a massive 5 billion dollar campus in Silicon Valley, and some are calling it a tone deaf mistake—talent wants flexibility, not a campus they never have to leave. The fact that this vast new campus has everything under the sun except a daycare doesn’t help.

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A Dive Into Stack Overflow Jobs Search

About two years ago, a significant event happened at Stack Overflow: a new system, named Providence, was released. Providence would allow us to tell which technologies a visitor is interested in, and measure the “fitness” between a visitor and a job. The release of Providence marked a stepping stone in Stack Overflow’s continuous effort to be “smarter” and invest in data science, and it was only the beginning.

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Podcast #110 – IBM, You’re Wrong

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast recorded Thursday May 18, 2017 at the same place they are always recorded: Stack Overflow HQ in NYC! Today’s episode is brought to you by Shabbos Goy, Maori face markings, and the brand new Stack Overflow App! (And no, Windows phone is still not supported…)

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