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  1. Anybody can ask a question
  2. Anybody can answer
  3. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top

Top Bar for Chat Rooms

As of 1.12, thanks entirely to Shog9's efforts, this now works on Firefox as well as Chrome! Description: Provides a fully functional top bar, including realtime notifications, easy chat server …

v1.12.3, Jason C

Threaded comments

Display comments on questions and answers in conversation threads instead of linearly

Placeholder for testing my app

This is a testing question for a stackexchange app. Please ignore this

What token parameters to use for OAuth2 Authorizaton?

Please forgive me if this is a dumb question, or if the answer is in the docs somewhere (I did look, honest). I'm trying to connect a piece of desktop software to the Stack Exchange web service th…

Test App for StackApp API (Placeholder)

This is a test application for Stack App API. No problems currently. This is only a placeholder for testing purposes.

How do I get information about top users of a Stack Exchange community?

I was going through the stack exchange API and I want to extract information about, say, top 20 users of a particular stack exchange community. How do I use the API for that? I tried on this pag…

Stack Overflow Client by LiDReSaR (Placeholder)

Stack Overflow Client by LiDReSaR Need for testing.

Please add gallery thumbnails to this site's search results

I would like to link to a list of all my stuff, but I'd like it to display with thumbnails and excerpts (like it does on tag searches). Is this possible? It seems like a reasonable use case, but f…

Clickable Links in Revision Comments

Turns URLs in revision history comments into clickable links.

More Share Links (Markdown / HTML / BBCode)

Adds share links in additional formats (Markdown, HTML, and BBCode), and also lets you omit user ID from links. Integrates seamlessly into existing UI.

Sidebar Answer Status

Modifies the Linked and Related sidebar lists to show answered status, up / down vote counts, and other info.

XMPPExchange: An XMPP bridge for chat

Access Chat through XMPP!

v1.0, Avery

Got a Bad Status Line

Since about 10 AM US-CDT on August 8, 2015, I've been getting ('http protocol error', 0, 'got a bad status line', None) on a /users/{ids}/associated query after several successful such queries e…

Testing tutorial app (placeholder)

One further step is required to get this tutorial working. You need to publish your app at Stack Apps. This is done by asking a new question at Stack Apps with the tag app . After you successfully …

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