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The Soviet Forestry Industry in the 1950s and 1960s: A Project of Modernization and Technology Transfer from Finland

Kochetkova E. A.

Iss. 52: Economic and social history. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2017.

Book chapter
Automated Prediction of Demographic Information from Medical User Reviews

Tutubalina E., Nikolenko S. I.

In bk.: Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration. 4th International Conference, MIKE 2016, Mexico City, Mexico, November 13 - 19, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Iss. 10089. Cham: Springer, 2017. P. 174-184.

Call for Applications!

Global Business & Innovations in BRICS Summer School 2017

7 – 20 August, 2017



1917-2017: Revolution and Evolution in Economic Development

Second World Congress of Comparative Economics l June 15 — 17, 2017 l St. Petersburg, Russia

Tuition Fee Discounts for Foreign Applicants

The Academic Council of the St Petersburg branch of the Higher School of Economics approved a policy providing for fee discounts for the most talented international applicants entering the university in 2017. Discounts will be based on the total score achieved in entrance examinations.

HSE Success in Research Performance Rankings in 8 Subject Areas

HSE has been ranked one of the top 15 universities by research performance in 8 subject areas, compiled by the Expert Analytical Centre in 2016. HSE took the first place in three subjects: Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Youth subcultures: what are they now?

From 30 November to 1 December 2017, the international conference "Urban youth cultures: solidarity, creativity, activism" will take place as part of the project "Creative Fields of Interethnic Cooperation and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities" (Russian Science Foundation, 2015-2017), implemented by the Center for Youth Studies (CYS) at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. The research of the CYS always produces interesting results, so we turned to the director of the Center Professor Elena Omelchenko to find out more about the upcoming event.

Complex Networks at the School of Economics and Management

This spring, a group of academics and students of the School of Economics and Management at HSE St. Petersburg, headed by Professor Vladimir Matveenko, received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). The outcome of their effort: scientific reports prepared by Economics students in the fourth year Maxim Bakhtin and in the third year Yulia Skoblova were selected to participate in the Second International Workshop "Networks, Complexity, and Economic Development" conducted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In a month, Maxim and Yulia will visit Budapest to present their work.

HSE Campuses in Moscow and St. Petersburg Admitted to QTEM

On March 10, 2017, the HSE campuses in Moscow and St. Petersburg were admitted to QTEM, an international network of the world’s leading business schools. This means that every year the 20 best management and finance MA students from both campuses will benefit from a range of network member opportunities, and after they graduate from their programme at their home university, will receive a prestigious QTEM graduate certificate. 

Politics of the Star Wars: Can Political Science Make it Clearer?

Lecturer from the Department of Political Science at HSE St. Petersburg Yury Kabanov has published an insightful series of articles on the ways in which Political Science can contribute to our understanding of Star Wars and what post-Soviet states can learn from the uneasy experience of the "galaxy far, far away".

HSE St Petersburg Hosts Investment Session

Students of the Performance Management course at the Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg had the opportunity to take part in two English-language investment sessions in March 2017. Under the supervision of Elizaveta Markovskaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, HSE students as well as exchange students from Holland and Portugal presented their creative investment ideas in front of representatives of investment funds and businesses. Students themselves and external experts from L'oreal, Agat Investment Fund, and Factosphere consulting company played the role of potential investors.

Master’s Programme in Finance

In the quickly changing dynamics of the world economy, having impeccable grades is no longer enough to secure a good job. A practice-based Master’s programme in Finance from The Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg might be exactly what you need to have your career take off.

Distributing Power and Money: Federalism and Decentralisation in Germany and Russia

On 7th April, the International Seminar on Distributing Power and Money: Federalism and Decentralisation in Germany and Russia took place at the Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg. The event was organized by the HSE Department of Political Science and Bachelor's Programme 'Political Science and World Politics' as part of the 14th annual Germany Week in St Petersburg – a project aimed at supporting and developing friendly relations and multilateral ties between Russia and Germany. The seminar brought together political analysts and economists – experts in the field of territorial management from the Higher School of Economics, the Leontief Center, MGIMO, the Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Dresden as well as the non-governmental organization Forum of Federations. Our guests discussed the two models of federalism in Germany and Russia focusing on the reforms in the field of decentralization of public administration.

‘Learn Russian – It’s Worth It’

Marek Soukup from Masaryk University in Brno, the Czech Republic, is currently studying at HSE St Petersburg as an exchange student on the Applied Economics and Mathematical Methods MA programme.  His decision to come to Russia stemmed from his desire to perfect his knowledge of the Russian language, which he started learning four years ago.