Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Blog Archives

Call me Pawpaw

As of 7:50 a.m. this morning, My wife Susan and I are officially grandparents. We will henceforth be known as Mammaw and Pawpaw.

Welcome, Carson Alexander Buckner. 9lbs 10oz, 20 3/4 inches. And congrats to proud parents Mary and Shane!

Pictures to come. Lots and lots and lots of pictures, I’m sure. 😉


Fun with CodeIgniter

I just spent many hours wrestling with CodeIgniter. For one thing, it seems to go out of its way to hide PHP errors from you, even in development mode, and even when you try to turn everything back on manually with directives in your index.php.

This doesn’t help when you are trying to integrate AJAX file uploads, and can’t figure out why all you ever get is a ‘500 Server Error’, with no indication of where that error is occurring.

For the record, my problem was that I needed to use CI’s form_open_multipart() function, in order to get the hidden CSFR protection token. Without it, the Security class was just silently dying before ever getting to my controller’s action handler.


Mad Scientist Pumpkin Build

I recently volunteered to make a craft pumpkin (not an actual gourd with guts) for our daughter’s 3rd grade class. Each class is making a pumpkin, and all the pumpkins will be raffled off at the school’s Fall Festival this weekend. The best pumpkin will win a prize for the class. Claire’s class picked the theme “Mad Scientist”. I had originally thought I’d be able to spend a little time over the course of several days planning … Continue reading


Next! Schwarzbier. This is how Susan and I celebrate our anniversary — Auburn football and beer!