Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Documents Shortcode

Documents Shortcode 1.0.1
By adding a simple [documents] shortcode in your post or page, you get a list of all documents (non-image/audio/video) attached. Each item in the document list can be styled with CSS to indicate different document types based on file extension (e.g., .doc, .pdf, etc). Like this:Like Loading......

Easy Gravatars

Easy Gravatars 1.3
This plugin allows you to automatically add Gravatars for commenters to your theme, if your theme does not already support them. According to the website, Gravatars are Globally Recognized Avatars, or an “avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your na...

FancyBox Gallery

FancyBox Gallery 0.3.2
FancyBox Gallery integrates the FancyBox jQuery plugin into the WordPress gallery functionality. Simply use the gallery shortcode to display thumbnails in your posts with the option to link directly to the images (not the attachment template), and the plugin handles the rest. You get nice popups for...


HeadMeta 1.5
HeadMeta creates <meta> “description” or “keywords” tags for individual posts or pages. It can also create arbitrary <meta> or <link> tags. These are easily set on a per-post (or page) basis by simply adding Custom Fields. See the Installation section for mo...


Mustavatar 1.0
Do you ever wish your WordPress site was just a little more manly? Don’t you think a nice thick mustache would suit your site? Mustavatar will man-up your site by adding a mustache on any faces it can find in your avatars. Author bios, comments, any place where standard avatars are used will g...

Text Filter Suite

Text Filter Suite 1.4
The Text Filter Suite (“TFS”, hereafter) is a WordPress plugin which adds some new text filtering functions. In a sense, the core TFS functions could be considered a “meta filter”, because they actually provide a framework that let you construct new filters fairly easily. The...

Theme Preview

Theme Preview 1.4
By default, the only way to see how a new theme looks on your site is to activate it, making it visible to everyone who visits. With this plugin, it is possible to view how a new theme looks without activating it. TODO Possible future enhancements: Add an options screen. Allow choice of theme to pre...


WriteScroll 0.0
On monitors with limited vertical resolution (often the case with laptops), the post/page editor can appear inconveniently far down on the page. With the WriteScroll plugin active, these pages will automatically scroll to an optimal position for editing, when you visit Write Post or Write Page. Like...
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