Exploit Scanner


This plugin searches the files on your website, and the posts and comments tables of your database for anything suspicious. It also examines your list of active plugins for unusual filenames.

It does not remove anything. That is left to the user to do.

Latest MD5 hash values for Exploit Scanner:

  • 73cbb0628b7ed071137c18d5c86fed36 exploit-scanner.php (1.5.1)
  • 1d5f9d6220fe159cd44cb70a998a1cd7 hashes-4.6.php
  • fbdf61c17f65094c8e331e1e364acf68 hashes-4.6.1.php
  • 477d128d84802e3470cec408424a8de3 hashes-4.7.php

Latest SHA1 hash values for Exploit Scanner:

  • a647bed6a910c03e90f1a81f7829c9567dc2c442 exploit-scanner.php (1.5.1)
  • 5cec64380a2acdc876fd22fbbbbf8c335df1ed3f hashes-4.6.php
  • 99d9e7be23a350f3d1962d0f41e7b4e28c00841e hashes-4.6.1.php
  • 1eeab377a1afc6d776827a063678d2461b29e71d hashes-4.7.php

See the Exploit Scanner homepage for further information.

Interpreting the Results

It is likely that this scanner will find false positives (i.e. files which do not contain malicious code). However, it is best to err
on the side of caution; if you are unsure then ask in the Support Forums,
download a fresh copy of a plugin, search the Internet for similar situations, et cetera. You should be most concerned if the scanner is:
making matches around unknown external links; finding base64 encoded text in modified core files or the wp-config.php file;
listing extra admin accounts; or finding content in posts which you did not put there.

Understanding the three different result levels:

  • Severe: results that are often strong indicators of a hack (though they are not definitive proof)
  • Warning: these results are more commonly found in innocent circumstances than Severe matches, but they should still be treated with caution
  • Note: lowest priority, showing results that are very commonly used in legitimate code or notifications about events such as skipped files

Help! I think I have been hacked!

Follow the guides from the Codex:

Ensure that you change all of your WordPress related passwords (site, FTP, MySQL, etc.). A regular backup routine
(either manual or plugin powered) is extremely useful; if you ever find that your site has been hacked you can easily restore your site from
a clean backup and fresh set of files and, of course, use a new set of passwords.


Updates to the plugin will be posted here, to Holy Shmoly! and the WordPress Exploit Scanner page will always link to the newest version.

Other Languages

Unfortunately for people using WordPress versions for other locales some of the file hashes may be incorrect as some strings have to be hardcoded in their translated form. Here are some file hashes for WordPress in other languagues provided separately by other members of the community:

The hash files should only be declaring an array called $filehashes and the majority of the hashes should still be the same.


  1. Download and unzip the plugin.
  2. Copy the exploit-scanner directory into your plugins folder.
  3. Visit your Plugins page and activate the plugin.
  4. A new menu item called “Exploit Scanner” will be available under the Tools menu.


How do I fix the out of memory error?

Scanning your website can take quite a bit of memory. The plugin tries to allocate 128MB but sometimes that’s not enough. You can modify the amount of memory PHP has access to from within the plugin admin page. You can also limit the max size of scanned files. Reduce this number to skip more files but be aware that it may miss hacked files. Any skipped files are listed after scanning. Memory is also used if you have deep directories because of the way the scanner works. It will help if you clean out any cache directories (wp-content/cache/ for example) before scanning.


Useless unless you can generate a hash file

I’m pretty tech savvy, but creating a hash file for my site is beyond my abilities. That’s what this scanner needs or it will mark every single files and unknown and corrupted. And it won’t tell you until after you’ve finished scanning. It’s nowhere in the online instructions. Waste of time unless you are a command line guru.

this plugin killed my wp-admin told me to remove non infected core files!!!

This plugin spewed out a list of 533 threats stating Level:severe. I started going through the list as I have done before when I get them from iPage, deleting the dodgy files. Luckily i thought to download and check one, see what code these infected files contained – nothing! they were clean! I panicked and checked the site. It was now a 500 error, my wp-admin was gone!!! I tried copying 4.7 wp-admin files then found the 4.x wp folder from the websites install and copied them accross, no change. I had to wait two days for dreamhost to get back to me and do a restore.

This plugin is terrible!! How could you design something that lists core files as infected files? I had to find a list of wp-admin files and cross reference them – of the 32 or something I had deleted only 5 were spammy hack files – the rest core wordpress files! I dont trust you, this plugin or anything you do. Sorry bout the bad review but no-one should use this plugin. My clients site is over 1400 pages!!! It was an epic construction – the further id gone through the list the more damage I could have done to it!! Lucky for restore hey?

Amazing plugin that saved me a ton of time

The title says it all…one of my sites became compromised by a base64 encoded hack, and without this plugin it would have taken me forever to manually go through each and every file. There were a lot of false positives, but I’d rather have false positives than no direction as to where to start at all.

Works great!

Sadly no updates anymore.
Here is how to get the current version:

Read all 35 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Exploit Scanner” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Izmaiņu žurnāls


  • WordPress 4.6 hashes
  • WordPress 4.6.1 hashes
  • WordPress 4.7 hashes


  • WordPress 4.5.3 hashes
  • Move to follow WP versioning system


  • WordPress 4.5.2 hashes


  • WordPress 4.5 hashes
  • WordPress 4.5.1 hashes


  • WordPress 4.4.1 hashes


  • WordPress 4.4 hashes


  • WordPress 4.3.1 security release hashes
  • Other missing hashes


  • WordPress 4.3 hashes


  • WordPress 4.2.3 hashes
  • WordPress 4.2.4 hashes


  • WordPress 4.2.2 hashes


  • WordPress 3.7.3 hashes
  • WordPress 3.7.4 hashes
  • WordPress 3.7.5 hashes
  • WordPress 3.7.6 hashes
  • WordPress 3.7.7 hashes
  • WordPress 3.8.4 hashes
  • WordPress 3.8.5 hashes
  • WordPress 3.8.6 hashes
  • WordPress 3.8.7 hashes
  • WordPress 3.9.4 hashes
  • WordPress 3.9.5 hashes
  • WordPress 4.0.2 hashes
  • WordPress 4.0.3 hashes
  • WordPress 4.0.4 hashes
  • WordPress 4.1.4 hashes
  • WordPress 4.2.1 hashes


  • WordPress 4.1.3 hashes


  • WordPress 4.2 hashes


  • WordPress 3.9.3, 4.1, 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 hashes


  • Remove an example link to a hacked site
  • Fixed the eval() check incorrectly matching function names that end in “eval”
  • Fixed some PHP warnings
  • WordPress 3.5.2 hashes
  • WordPress 3.6 and 3.6.1 hashes
  • WordPress 3.7, 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 hashes
  • WordPress 3.8, 3.8.1, 3.8.2 and 3.7.3 hashes
  • WordPress 3.9, 3.9.1 and 3.9.2 hashes
  • WordPress 4.0 and 4.0.1 hashes


  • WordPress 3.5 and 3.5.1 hashes


  • WordPress 3.4.2 hashes


  • WordPress 3.4.1 hashes


  • Detect unknown files in the wp-admin and wp-includes directories
  • WordPress 3.4 hashes


  • WordPress 3.3.2 hashes


  • WordPress 3.3.1 hashes
  • Use help tabs introduced in WordPress 3.3
  • Help prevent one cause of hanging scans (MySQL error 1153)


  • Scan for and fix old, vulnerable TimThumb scripts
  • Detect old export files even if they’re larger than the size limit
  • WordPress 3.3 hashes


  • WordPress 3.2 and 3.2.1 hashes


  • WordPress 3.1.4 hashes
  • Suspicious pattern updates and tweaks


  • Detection of export files left by incomplete imports.
  • WordPress 3.1.3 hashes


  • WordPress 3.0.6 and 3.1.2 hashes


  • WordPress 3.1.1 hashes


  • Core file diffs
  • WordPress 3.1 hashes
  • Updated suspicious patterns


  • WordPress 3.0.5 hashes


  • WordPress 3.0.4 hashes
  • Dropped wp-content from hashes


  • WordPress 3.0.3 compatibility


  • 3.0.2 compatibility


  • 3.0.1 compatibility


  • PHP 4 compatibility


  • AJAX paging
  • simplified results system (now only 3 levels)
  • contextual help
  • moved to Tools menu section
  • a number of backend changes


  • Compatibility for WordPress 3.0


  • Added “exploits” scan level for obvious hacker exploit code.
  • Stored results for later review.
  • Rearranged layout of results.
  • Paged scanning so plugin scans 50 files at a time to avoid timeout errors.
  • Only show “General Info” to non MU sites (it’s too expensive for large MU sites)