Support » Theme: Primer » Content background color dimensions?

  • Resolved brikke



    I am trying to add an item to my primary menu.
    My active theme is ‘primer’.
    WP 4.7.2

    When I add item (add new page) to the primary menu, the content background color dimensions (where the text and images will be overlayed) are smaller (horizontally) than the other default menu pages that I already have (pages already provided by the default ‘primer’ theme).

    I have tried to search for this, only to find information on ‘changing’ the content background color and not the dimensions.

    I do not understand why the new page would not follow the same default format provided by the ‘primer’ theme.

    What am I doing wrong and/or how do I change this new smaller content background color box size?


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  • Hi @brikke, happy to help.

    Are you talking about a submenu within the primary menu?

    If you could provide a screenshot of the area in question that would help a lot.


    Hi Frankie,

    Thanks for the reply.

    How do I add a screenshot here?

    Thanks again.

    Alright Frankie,

    Here are 2 screenshots.

    Screenshot 1 –
    Screenshot 2 –

    You will see the horizontal dimension of the content background (grey box) in the submenu of the first screenshot is much ‘shorter’ than in screenshot 2. Screenshot 2 represents the ‘default’ format as per the theme, whereas screenshot 1 represents my new added page to the menu.

    How do I create a new submenu that will have the same content background as in screenshot 2?



    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by brikke.

    1. Go to the “Sectors” page on your website

    2. Click the “Edit Page” link in the admin toolbar

    Edit page

    3. Scroll down until you see the “Layout” metabox on the right

    4. Select “Custom” and click the first “Full Width” layout

    Full width layout

    5. Scroll back up and click “Update” to save

    Hi Frankie,

    Sorry for the long-delay in responding. At present, I only have time on weekends to work on my webpage, and thus the reason why I am late in responding.

    Thank you for the information. I have updated my web page as per your direction.



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