

Have you ever been frustrated with forum or bulletin board software that was slow, bloated and always got your server hacked? bbPress is focused on ease of integration, ease of use, web standards, and speed.

We’re keeping things as small and light as possible while still allowing for great add-on features through WordPress’s extensive plugin system. What does all that mean? bbPress is lean, mean, and ready to take on any job you throw at it.



Excellent and simple forum software


BBPress is really good in what it is. The one problem I have is its integration with WordPress. It has its own pros and cons. But I would prefer to isolate my main website and forum. I don't need users of my forum to seen in my blog site. If bbpress provides any such option, that would be great !

Has this been abandoned?


This is causing me so much headache and there is no support. Most posts on the forum go unanswered. Import bbpress from another installation does not work and hasn't been reliable for a long time - I've tried before. Is it ever going to be fixed? Loads of people asking about it and often no help whatsoever. Also try posting on their forum and the post doesn't appear, perhaps admin has to authorise the topic? Not sure, wasted my time posting a 2nd time in case I didn't submit the first time, only to find the 2nd topic not appearing either...sigh...such a waste of time.

Read all 311 reviews



  • Fix role initialization bug


  • Improved support for WordPress 4.7
  • Improved localization of role names
  • Increase minimum WordPress version to 4.2


  • Improved user display-name rendering


  • Improved user mentions


  • Improved ajax actions
  • Improved user query parsing
  • Fix BuddyPress Groups notice


  • Improved output of certain URLs


  • Improved notification & subscription email sending


  • Improved bulk editing of users
  • Improved suggesting of topics & authors for moderators
  • Improved converter tool access


  • Fix reply editing causing polluted hierarchy
  • Add tool for repairing reply positions within topics
  • Improved custom slug and displayed user field sanitization
  • Improved SSL support when relying on theme compatibility


  • WordPress 3.8 support (dashicons, new color schemes)
  • Fix dropdown selects in settings pages
  • Fix accidental topic subscription removal on reply form
  • Fix poor grammar in profile title element
  • Fix admin area SSL support


  • Fix BuddyPress (1.9.1) Notification integration


  • Updated subscriptions setting description
  • Fix forum subscriptions not appearing on profiles for some users
  • Allow links to have targets
  • Improve Windows compatibility


  • Added forum subscriptions
  • Added importers for AEF, Drupal, FluxBB, Kunena Forums (Joomla), MyBB, Phorum, PHPFox, PHPWind, PunBB, SMF, Xenforo and XMB
  • Added BuddyPress Notifications integration
  • Added ability to enqueue scripts and styles in the template stack
  • Fix various existing importer scripts
  • Fix forum visibility meta saving
  • Fix Akismet anonymous user meta checking
  • Fix inconsistent bbp_dropdown() results
  • Fix topic and reply ping-status inconsistencies


  • Fix forum status saving
  • Fix widget settings saving
  • Fix custom wp_title compatibility
  • Fix search results custom permalink compatibility
  • Fix custom user topics & replies pages
  • Fix hierarchical reply handling in converter


  • Added hierarchical reply support
  • Added ability to disable forum search
  • Reorganized settings page
  • Improved rewrite rules
  • Improved responsive CSS
  • Improved code posting
  • Improved user capability integration
  • Improved cache getting and setting
  • Audit strict type comparisons
  • Audit GlotPress string escaping
  • Audit title attribute usage
  • Audit WordPress core function usage
  • General code clean-up


  • Improved posting of preformatted code
  • Improved theme compatibility CSS
  • Improved BuddyPress Activity Streams integration


  • Improved posting of preformatted code
  • Fix deleting of post cache group
  • Fix moderators not having view_trash capability


  • Added forum search functionality
  • Improved BuddyPress Group Forums integration
  • Improved allowed tags in topics and replies
  • Added template stack support to theme compatability
  • Added more forum migration options


  • Prepare converter queries
  • Improve validation and sanitization of form values


  • Improve compatibility with some themes
  • Fix integration with BuddyPress Group Forums
  • Fix BuddyPress Activity Stream integration


  • RTL and i18n fixes
  • Improved user profile theme compatibility
  • Fixed incorrect link in credits page
  • Fixed admin area JS issues related to topic suggest
  • Fixed template part reference in extras user edit template


  • Fix role mapping for non-WordPress roles
  • Fix issue with private forums being blocked
  • Allow moderators to see hidden forums


  • Improved user roles and capabilities
  • Improved theme compatibility
  • Improved BuddyPress Group Forums integration
  • Improved forums convertion tool
  • Improved forums tools and settings
  • Improved multisite support
  • Added What’s New and Credits pages
  • WordPress 3.5 and BuddyPress 1.7 ready


  • Fixed admin-side help verbiage
  • Fixed reply height CSS
  • Fixed password converter
  • Fixed child post trash and delete functions


  • Fixed Invision, phpBB, and vBulletin importers
  • Fixed private/hidden forum bugs
  • Fixed topic split meta values
  • Fixed theme compatibility logic error
  • Fixed role mask issues for shared user installs
  • Fixed missing function cruft
  • Fixed missing filter on displayed user fields


  • WordPress 3.4 compatibility
  • Deprecate $bbp global, use bbpress() singleton
  • Private forums now visible to registered users
  • Updated forum converter
  • Topic and reply edits now ran through Akismet
  • Fixed Akismet edit bug
  • Fixed Widgets nooping globals
  • Fixed translation load order
  • Fixed user-edit bugs
  • Fixed settings screen regressions
  • Improved post cache invalidation
  • Improved admin-side nonce checks
  • Improved admin settings API
  • Improved bbPress 1.1 converter
  • Improved BuddyPress integration
  • Improved Theme-Compatibility
  • Improved template coverage
  • Improved query performance
  • Improved breadcrumb behavior
  • Improved multisite integration
  • Improved code clarity
  • Improved RTL styling
  • Added 2x menu icons for HiDPI displays
  • Added fancy editor support
  • Added fallback theme picker
  • Added tools for importing, resetting, and removing


  • Released on September 21, 2011


  • Fixed Genesis incompatibilities
  • Fixed BuddyPress activity stream issues
  • Fixed Subscription email sending issues
  • Fixed Theme Compat display issues for some themes
  • Improved Theme Compat class
  • More future proofing internal API’s


  • BuddyPress @mention integration
  • Improved Akismet user agent handling
  • Added blacklist_keys support
  • Fixed spam/deleted user handling
  • Updated green admin color scheme for WordPress 3.2
  • Added actions to topic/reply forms
  • Improved support for future ajaxification


  • Fixed activation/deactivation
  • Added Forum Participant role for multisite use


  • BuddyPress activity action integration
  • Multisite integration
  • Fixed a bushel of bugs
  • Fixed tag pagination again
  • Fixed ajax priority loading


  • Fixed tag pagination
  • Broke tag pagination
  • Squashed a bunch of bugs


  • Fix regression in forum index theme compatibility template
  • Audit usage of get strings for moderator level and above users


  • Akismet integration
  • Fixes replies within wp-admin
  • Fixes reply notification links
  • Fixes inconsistent breadcrumb behavior
  • Fixes theme compatibility issues
  • Fixes archive and page conflicts
  • Improvements to unpretty permalink support
  • Improvements to importer
  • Improvements to multisite support
  • Normalize theme, shortcodes, and template parts
  • Add humans.txt
  • Add empty index.php files to prevent snooping
  • Add max length to topic titles (default 80 chars)


  • GlotPress integration
  • Fixes Forum archive bug
  • Fixes and improvements to importer
  • Adds home link support to breadcrumb
  • Improvements to Theme Compatibility
  • Numerous template and CSS improvements
  • RTL support
  • Improved multisite support
  • Add filters for future anti-spam support
  • Add missing breadcrumbs to various template files
  • Topic/reply trash fixes


  • In development

Contributors & Developers

This is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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