Support » Plugin: The SEO Framework » Genesis Framework doesn't show itemscope="" in

  • Resolved Christoph Herr



    I´m testing your plugin on a local website with the Genesis Framework and I like it.

    One thing that seems to be not working correctly is the output of schema data in the <head> tag.
    Looking at the page source the head tag contains a space before the closing bracket. <head >
    If I disable the plugin, the proper <head itemscope itemtype=""> is showing.

    genesis/lib/markup uses the filter “genesis_attr_head” to output the schema data to <head> and the plugin seems to add the same data in /inc/classes/generate.class.php

    Somehow nothing is output but an empty space…

    I can add the schema data with the filter “genesis_attr_head” but I’d prefer if this would be working out of the box.

    Thanks for a great plugin!

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi Christoph,

    Thanks for the compliments :).

    I was already thinking, what’s that weird space doing next to that <head > tag in my header, I simply ignored it as all microdata and other methods were rendered correctly.

    Nevertheless, thanks for pointing it out :D, now I know what it is!

    The reason it got removed, unintentionally:
    I injected this plugin’s Class name into the Genesis SEO detection function (through a filter) and I knew it would alter the head functions, for a good reason, to prevent duplicated output. I forgot about that one part :).

    Does it matter?
    Now here’s what you should know, from WebSite (the code indication that’s missing now):
    The SEO Framework adds none of that markup in the head. Genesis doesn’t either. Except for the LD+Json scripts, which evidently is also notify the Search Engines of the markup. It uses the more specific Thing, in fact.

    For example, in the scripts you see the “@context” and “@type” pointing to the markup used:

    So what does this mean?
    It doesn’t affect SEO. As on-page markup is looked at and indicated per case.

    However, I will add it back in the next update (2.6.0), as some other plugins or some custom code might make use of it. If you’re not using any other SEO plugins, you shouldn’t worry about it :).

    No ETA yet on 2.6.0, I just finished refactoring the class structure.

    Test it for yourself
    So until then, I’d suggest adding it back yourself if you’re worried about the microdata.
    You can test the effects of it right here: Structured Data Testing Tool

    There you can also see Genesis has done a great job adding a lot of things for quality SEO already!

    Stay tuned!

    Hi Sybre,

    thank you.

    I saw that the Structured Data Testing Tool didn’t complain about it. I just didn’t like the empty space in the head tag. 😉

    Wow, that´s a huge refactor/rewrite.
    If you want/need beta testers, you could ask in the Genesis slack group.
    The plugin is becoming quite popular there.

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi Christoph,

    I’ve added it back in the next version. I did see some schema markup, which The SEO Framework removes.
    This might affect SEO, but it shouldn’t be noticeable.

    I’ll be sure to include schema markup for everyone (optionally disabled through filter) to use in the next update, which will improve rich snippets.

    Stay tuned 🙂

    Edit: Quick note, I’m not really fond of rewriting the already output code from buffer (takes a hit in the server memory), and the itemprop tags require HTML5.
    So, although I’m adding back the schema markup identifier in the head tag, the notified output will still be in LD+JSON. This will make the breadcrumb output much more beautiful too and help Google/Bing/Yahoo understand your website even better!

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