

Below you can see ideas members of the WordPress community (like you!) have proposed, and rate them. The highest rated ideas will be included in a future version, so if you have an idea let us know here.

4,644 ideas, 73,252 votes, and counting

Latest Ideas

Update plugins admin panel that plugin has been removed from directory
0 Votes
Letting You Know of a Typo in Title
0 Votes
Implement HIDDEN posts/pages
0 Votes
Make Everything Sortable
1 Vote
WordPress Table Format not working in good way
0 Votes
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Accessibility – Suggestions for making WordPress more accessible and ADA-compliant 150
Comments – Suggestions about how to handle comment features 70
Editing – Suggestions around creation of content 301
Email – Suggestions around any of the built-in email features 31
Functions and Hooks – Suggestions for improved functions, new actions or filters 345
i18n – Suggestions around translation 27
Media – Images, Video, Music, ... 267
Performance – Suggestions on making WordPress better/faster/stronger 118
Taxonomy – Suggestions around categories, tags, custom taxonomies 68
UI and Design – Making WordPress usable and pretty 310
User Roles – Suggestions about user roles and permissions 42
Widgets – Suggestions for the way widgets work 104
General – When your idea doesn't fit anywhere else 2,811

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