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The Apache Software Foundation

provides support for the Apache Community of open-source software projects, which provide software products for the public good.


The Apache projects are defined

by collaborative consensus based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field.


We consider ourselves

not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

Apache Projects

The all-volunteer ASF develops, stewards, and incubates more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives that cover a wide range of technologies. From Abdera to Zookeeper, if you are looking for a rewarding experience in Open Source and industry leading software, chances are you are going to find it here. Are you powered by Apache?

Featured Projects


Apache Open Climate Workbench

Apache Open Climate Workbench is an effort to develop software that performs climate model evaluation using model outputs from a variety of different sources (the Earth System Grid Federation, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment, the U.S. National Climate Assessment and the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program) and temporal/spatial...

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Apache DataFu

Apache DataFu consists of two libraries: Apache DataFu Pig is a collection of useful user-defined functions for data analysis in Apache Pig. Apache DataFu Hourglass is a library for incrementally processing data using Apache Hadoop MapReduce. This library was inspired by the prevelance of sliding window computations over daily tracking...

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Apache Gora

Although there are various excellent ORM frameworks for relational databases, data modeling in NoSQL data stores differ profoundly from their relational cousins. Moreover, data-model agnostic frameworks such as JDO are not sufficient for use cases, where one needs to use the full power of the data models in column stores....

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Latest News

Keep up with the ASF's news and announcements by subscribing to the Apache Announcements List, and following the Foundation Blog and @TheASF on Twitter.

[ANN] Apache Stratos retired

Announcing that the Apache Stratos project has been retired to the Attic due to inactivity.
Stratos was a highly-extensible Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) framework that helped run Apache Tomcat, PHP, and...

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Mynewt 1.0.0-b2-incubating

Hello all,
The Apache Mynewt team is pleased to announce the release of 1.0.0-b2-incubating.
Apache Mynewt is a community-driven module OS for constrained, embedded applications. Mynewt provides a...

Apache Solr Reference Guide for Solr 6.4 released

The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce that the Solr Reference Guide for Solr 6.4 has been released.
This 763-page PDF is the definitive guide to using Apache Solr,...

Latest Activity

@ TheASF: Thanks for the heads-up, @infrabot! https://t.co/H7K9VhXRBC

@ TheASF: Want to attend #ApacheCon? Need travel assistance? Apply by 8 March https://t.co/c3pe5gYP4o #OpenSource #conference #BigData #DevOps #IoT

@ TheASF: Tell us: How do you #LoveApache? "Thanks for making the Apache community a better place for everybody!" #Apache #Open #Innovation #Community
The Apache News Round-up: week ending 17 February 2017

We've had another cracking week at the ASF. Let's take a peek at what happened:

ASF Board –management and oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation in accordance...

Apache Mavibot history


First of all, let me introduce Apache Mavibot: it's a MVCC B+ tree library in Java under an AL 2.0 license (MVCC stands for Multi-Version Concurrency Control...

Community Development News - January 2017

Welcome to our monthly blog update about what is happening in Apache Community Development. This month we have news about FOSDEM and our Commnity Development presence there, Feathercast and the...

Apache Project List