Recent Launchpad blog posts

  • Git-to-Git imports – 16 Nov 2016
    Launchpad has had Git-to-Bazaar code imports since 2009, along with imports from a few other systems.  These form part of Launchpad’s original mission to keep track of free software, regardless of where it’s hosted.  They’re also very useful for automatically building other artifacts, such as source package recipes or snap packages, from code hosted elsewhere.  […]
  • Linking Git merge proposals to bugs – 08 Sep 2016
    We just rolled out a new feature for Launchpad’s Git repository hosting: Git-based merge proposals can now be linked to Launchpad bugs.  This can be done manually from the web UI for the merge proposal, but normally you should just mention the Launchpad bug in the commit message of one of the commits you want […]
  • Launchpad news, October 2015 – 09 Nov 2015
    Here’s what the Launchpad team did in October. Code Ensure that enabled and restricted processors are left untouched when submitting Archive:+edit (#1501519) Describe merge proposal listings in the second person (#991945) Increase Git backend communication timeout to 30 seconds (from 5), as detecting merges can be quite slow on large repositories (#1502748) Link directly to […]
  • Beta test: webhooks – 09 Nov 2015
    If you are a member of Launchpad’s beta testers team, you can now try out webhooks for Bazaar branches and Git repositories. These can be used to set up integration with external sites for various purposes, such as running CI jobs or publishing documentation. We expect to open this up to all Launchpad users soon, […]
  • PPAs for ppc64el – 27 Oct 2015
    Personal package archives on Launchpad only build for the amd64 and i386 architectures by default, which meets most people’s needs.  Anyone with an e-mail address can have a PPA, so they have to be securely virtualised, but that’s been feasible on x86 for a long time.  Dealing with the other architectures that Ubuntu supports (currently […]
  • Launchpad news, September 2015 – 04 Oct 2015
    October already! As the leaves start to turn red here in the northern hemisphere, here’s a brief summary of what we did in September. Bugs BugTask:+addcomment’s title doesn’t duplicate the bug number (#1323808) The duplicates portlet of bug tasks no longer links to invisible private bugs and now uses the correct sprite for each bug […]
  • Launchpad now open source – 21 Jul 2009
    Get the code to Launchpad and join our development community.
39,850 projects, 1,617,862 bugs, 990,485 branches, 4,355 Git repositories, 2,781,510 translations, 451,967 answers, 73,074 blueprints, and counting...

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